note: I have 2023 LG G3, so it's a bit different than previous models press green button (magic remote) 7 times to access VRR Information screen, shows refresh rate, state, resolution and color depth press mute button 3 times shows another menu, that lets you change some settings, like logo display, and auto power sync, and if wallpaper is displayed when no signal.. av reset, a number of things settings>>general>> tuning will be highlighted, press "1" 5 times and you get a host diagnostics information panel, lots of info long press 0, lets you edit the quick access menu, you can have long press on a number key access an app more actions menu, with arrow on screen (shake remote if no arrow) press scroll wheel, some more settings, including changing the banner location For the "secret" menu, the access method has changed... Use the factory service remote, and use the "P-only" button, before the "In start" button worked, but now it only gives some limited information and little to changepress ""P-only" buttonenter 0 4 1 3 into the 4 circlesthe tv will now rebootwhen you see the box with "Power Only", now press the EXIT button, and then the "IN START" buttonYou should now have the "original" secret menu, using the up and down keys you can scroll through the 19 menu items in the OLED menu, people often turn of TPC and GSR - Global Sticking ReductionTPC - Temporal Peak luminance Control -ASBL - auto static brightness limiter (system 1 menu) adj key will now take you to more settings to exit press menu button, WAIT 30 seconds, and then press the HOME key on the original magic remote after all of this, pressing the IN START button will take you to the menu without using the password... use exit to exit