Groundcovers - MossesGood in wet and shady areas, not good in blazing sun or arid climates. Small leaves look very realistic "to scale"Arenaria verna caespitosamoss sandwort - full to moderate sun, moderate water sagina subulataheath pearlwort / Irish-moss / awl-leaf pearlwort / Scottish moss - full sun to shade, moderate to moistneutral to acid soilScleranthus biflorusknawel / two-flowered knawelNew Zealand moss - - nice looking - undulating clumps - does not spreadScleranthus uniflorusFour flowered knamel / Gnarled CushionA native of New Zealand, grows in a tight cushion no more than 1" tall. More tolerant of sun and dry conditions than Scotch moss. Turns to the color of hay in the fall.