LGB / Marklin DCC (MTS) (MFX) Note: decoder sub-page with more detailThis page is basically my listing of all the LGB part numbers for electronics I have run into. The DCC decoders are listed here, but details are on this sub page: LGB DecodersOverview:As usual, I will translate the manufacturer's terms into the standard NMRA definitions:LGB\Marklin calls the combination of the Command Station and Booster a "Central Station"The cab/throttle is often just called a handheld.many standard terms are "hidden" to make things simplerLGB went through many revisions and changes, and the all the systems are very limited by today's standards.LGB was never very forthcoming about the individual limitations, but just basically told you "use this with that". When a limitation is encountered, many people are confused where in the system the limitation exists. This can be further compounded when mixing LGB system components with other manufacturer's. Massoth, for example, can connect various controllers to the LGB command station.I will endeavor to unravel this mess, but my recommendation is that since electronics are so inexpensive nowadays, that you jettison any old LGB system and upgrade. If you indeed have LGB equipment with the "serial function" decoders, then get a Massoth, ESU, or Zimo system.In my opinion, newer decoders are so much more capable with so many new features and so inexpensive, that I would give strong consideration to replacing any decoder that is serial only (or no sound for that matter)So, let's proceed to try to unravel the complex story of LGB MTS, and the Marklin "takeover", and where the capabilities and limitations are.Credit for help with this information goes to my friends, and other helpful people, but again special note of thanks to Dan Pierce.LGB Decoders overview:Sometimes it's hard to know what LGB decoder you have, and even more difficult to know what their capabilities are.LGB decoders may require the motor as a load on the decoder when in service mode... also if there is a separate lighting switch or sound switch, leave them offCV7 = manufacturer software versionCV106 = decoder modelNOTE WELL: when fitting decoders to LGB locos, there may be a number of dip switches that need to be changed BEFORE plugging in the decoder. I suspect these switches are the ones that connect the track pickups directly to the motor, and also wire the lights to the motor. FAILURE to set the switches right BEFORE plugging in the decoder will normally DESTROY the decoder.Be sure to get the manual on the loco and what the switches do first.History:LGB offered "DCC" early on, about the time it was being standardized. There were 2 precursors to our "modern" DCC, the Motorola system, and Selectrix system.Seletrix was developed by Doehler and Hass for Trix in early 80's. It was based on a communications protocol developed by Siemens. Trix had exclusive rights to the system.In 1999, D&H and Trix terminated the agreement, and now it is a open standard, it's apparently popular in N and Z scales in Europe.The Motorola protocol was called that because it used a Motorola chip,. It was shown at the 1979 Nurnberg toy fair, it was introduced 6 years later in 1985 by Marklin under the name of "Digital HO"The MTS (Multi Train System) emerged about 1995, and the electronics were mostly developed by Massoth, (Hartmut Massoth founded Massoth Elektronik and met Wolfgang Richter in 1974).The early system were limited in many ways.The first generation MTS I system was manufactured in 1995 by Lenz for LGB. 8 loco address, serial functions 0-9, 14 speed steps, and apparently no way to set CVsMTS II was built by Massoth in 2000, 23 loco addresses, serial functions 0-9, 14 speed steps, no CV programming.MTS IIP was released sometime after, and was the same as MTS 2, but allowed both serial and for the first time parallel function commands 0-9.MTS III was released in 2006, made by Massoth again, and allowed 4 digit addresses (finally), serial and parallel function commands 0-9, and for the first time 14 or 28 speed steps, and also CV programming.After the acquisition of LGB by Märklin , Marklin's plans for the smaller scales the CS3???The MFX protocol was released by Märklin in 2004. The MFX+ was released in 2013.MFX release dateBy virtue of LGB's purchase by Marklin, the MFX protocol was added to all current manufacture. I won't cover this here, even though new LGB locos come with MFX decoders, and "switching them over to DCC" can be a pain. Just say no.Organization of this page:First, I show the "systems" that were packaged, I review the "typical" groupings of equipment for the commonly referred to MTS I, MTS II, and MTS IIINext is a list of MTS products, in numerical orderThe groupings are:Command stations, boosters, throttles (notice there are some "sets" that have command station and decoders and throttles)other DCC accessory itemsDecodersA note on "serial" vs. "parallel" functions:You will hear this a lot when dealing with MTS. Early units did not have separate commands for f0 through f28, i.e. internally a unique command for each of the 29 functions, as the NMRA standard calls out. (this is referred to as "parallel functions by LGB). Also note that no MTS system can control over function 9."serial functions" is where the system may or may not have individual buttons for different functions, but f1 key "strokes" are sent at 1 second intervals for all functions, i.e. f4 is a sequence of four f1 commands 1 second apart. You can see that this is slow, and only some European brands still support this nowadays.A note on LGB locomotives themselves:A common situation is where the box says something about DCC, and the owner is confused if it has a decoder or not. Often it is just identifying that the loco is DCC compatible, and what type of DCC interface is inside.For example: "Direct Decoder" actually only means there is a 10 pin interface inside.Read more under LGB motive power on this siteOther limitationsIf you have a serial command station, then only certain decoders will operate on your layout.Also, you are often limited to decoders that support 14 speed steps, only MTS III supported 28 speed stepsyou are limited to functions 0-9, many current sound units use many higher functions.Special consideration for MFX decoders:CV50 is used for turning on/off the DC and Marklin protocol. 10 is all on DC/DCC/MFX 2 is DC/DCC 8 is DC/MfxLGB softwareI have not addressed the software that is used with the computer interface module, nor others from LGB. I don't intend to, since much of the software is old, and there will be issues with newer versions of windows.NOTE WELL: this is NOT designed to be an exhaustive list of components, and is as accurate as I can make it with reasonable effort. I do not use MTS equipment, and honestly, the vast majority of LGB MTS equipment is limited in capability. If you have helpful information to add here or corrections, it is appreciated, notwithstanding the goal above. The goal of this page is a sort of "catalog" of part numbers, their basic functions and to also somewhat follow the evolution of MTS. Just drop me an email.Command stations, Boosters, cabs/throttles as systems:Overall notes:none of the MTS throttles can read CV's back (unbelievable). The only way to read back CV's is to use the 55045 computer interface (need software versions, how to download, etc), you are programming in the blind.To switch the controllers (MTS 2P and MTS 3) from serial to parallel commands, press function and 9 at the same time. You can press a function key to verify the mode: if you see multiple flashes or a single flash (serial or parallel respectively)First Generation MTS / MZS 1: (type I)System componentsLGB 55000 MTS 1 Starter Pack (55000 Central Station + 55010 Train Mouse + Decoder) (what was the decoder model?)The decoder was usually model number 55020 (These were the ones made by Lenz, and it says Lenz on the decoder)System specifications:14 speed steps only.(limited mainly by Train Mouse throttle/controller)8 locomotive addresses only. (limited by Train Mouse throttle/controller)Can only program loco short address, CV1System limited to 8 addresses total 1 thorough 85 amp output, the 55000 needs a separate power supplyYou program the decoder address from a sequence of button pushes, with the address selector set to the address you want, so it's clear of what the max range is.The system is limited to 14 speed steps. Again it appears that this limitation is in the throttle, not the central station/booster.The controller/throttle was the LGB 55010 MTS 1 Train Mouse, limited to 8 addresses, and serial functions.Lenz made these first generation components, I have seen pictures of the Train Mouse with "Lenz" on it.Below is a picture of the 5510 train mouse/controllerThe left button controlled the loco lights, and the right button is the function button, pressed the number of times for the function you wanted (serial function)The speed control is center off. If you press and hold on the LGB logo, you got emergency stop.You will also see "7+1" on various literature, this is because it could run 7 MTS locos and 1 analog. The 7+1 switch was on the back of the central station, as well as a reset. You used address 8 to control the analog loco.This was a 5 amp max booster, and the power supply was separate. Input voltage was up to 24v DC, or 18v ac.I'm not sure the central station was available by itself.The decoder supplied was a 55020 I believe OK all here goes: I have set up many Marklin and other decoders to run on MTS. The MTS 3 is a serial based command station and tries to run new decoders as they have shipped at 14 speed steps. You must type F9 to switch the loco to parallel operation. Next, one must change the Marklin decoder to DCC and optional DC but eliminate other modes by changing CV50 contents to 2. Setting CV50 to 0 is DCC only. Now if you change the locos address, once again the MTS3 must be set to parallel again or it will default to serial operation. The MTS 3 system will do 28 speed steps if you use the Massoth Navigator to run your trains and allow you to go to 9999 addresses. It (MTS/navigator) can not do 128 speed steps. I hope this helps all understand what is needed better. PS: I own and operate both the MTS1 and MTS 2P system but program all decoders with my Zimo system as the newer DCC systems are much easier to use for programming. MTS can not read decoders but you can get the 55045 interface to a computer to program (read and write) decoders with a colored graphic screen but you are limited to the first 256 CV's. Also note the 55015 can program addresses 0-22, it is the MTS 1 that can only do 1-8!! MTS II is 1-16 with the 55016, and 1-22 with the 55015. Second Generation MTS / MZS 2: (type II & IIP)System Components:LGB 55105 MTS 2 Starter Pack (55005 Central Station + 55016 Handheld controller + Decoder)LGB 70255 MTS 2 Starter Set (55005 Central Station + 55016 Handheld controller + 2 digital locomotives + 2 freight cars)System specifications:14 speed steps onlyNote this came in serial only and serial/parallel (the "P" suffix), original release was serial only, and these could be upgraded to parallelThis system can control locos and accessories.LGB 55016 handheld originally serial, upgradable to parallel, parallel versions also made, P added to model number.16 addresses (0-15) with 5501623 addresses (0-22) with 55015Only CVs 1-4 can be programmed. This can only control locomotives.Used with 55015,LGB 55050 RC Sender AdaptersLGB 55055 Wireless transmitterAt this time the decoders supplied, 55020, were made by MassothNote that the system still cannot do more than 14 speed steps.Early MTSII "P" equipment, was identified by the separate black sticker with the white "P" - later production versions had the "p" suffix on the part number, eg: 55016pNote you press F then press 9 to change to parallel... if you change address of the loco, you need to do this again, since the serial/parallel setting is associated with the loco number.Third Generation MTS / MZS 3: (type III)LGB 55006 MTS 3 Central Station with serial and parallel function control (defaults to parallel function control, F and 9 switches to serial)LGB 55106 MTS 3 Starter Pack (55006 Central Station + 55016 Handheld controller)LGB 70257 MTS 3 Starter Set (55006 Central Station + 55016 Handheld controller + 2 digital locomotives + 2 freight cars)system as shipped is still limited to 14 speed stepscan use locos 0 to 22 (needs verification)speed step limitation and address limitation in throttle, command station/booster will work 28 SS and standard NMRA long addressing. Common setup is toExpanding:add Massoth Navigator to the command station and add 28 speed step (still not 128) and long addressing Tips for MFX decoders on this system Marklin Central Station CS3Multi protocol central station The CS3 has been released in a number of versions, 60212, 60213, 60214, 60215, 60216, I won't go into the differences... but pretty goofy to keep changing the model number.60212 - 2004?60213 - 2008 - color display60214 - made by different contractor a few months after 60213CS3 was announced with touchscreen 2016, and CS3+ which can be used in multi unit systems The system supports mfx, mfx+, DCC, Motorola protocolsHas a tablet size screen, supports automation, loco namingCheck the version and model number, some have expansion capability (basically using as a booster) If you buy one of these, be very sure the capability of the model you are looking atOld notes that need verification:The CS3+ has one S88 bus built in.A CS3 and a 60145 Terminal (for expansion), and a L88 60833 (don't know what this is) is cheaper than a CS3 +The CS3+ does have the advantage it can be slaved to another CS3+ or CS3Additional CS3+ units do not add processing power, just wired controllers This is just some unorganized notes, mostly dealing with "gotchas"Like many other European systems, this system likes to "register" a loco with the system in order to run it (which I think is an unnecessary complication, especially for newcomers)Recently, with the Marklin acquisition of LGB, the MFX protocol has been added to all new decoders, and the CS3 supports MFX, DCC, and MM (I'm thinking this is the motorola format or the marklin format) To register a loco supposedly you press stop on the CS3, then put a loco on the unpowered track (I assume no other locos on the track) then press stop again. This should register it. Supposedly this works for ordinary DCC decoders, so that means the system must be putting the track in service mode. I would expect doing this to the entire layout could result in data errors with a large layout, or the loco a distance from the DCC feed. But reading some LGB stuff further, it seems that you have to manually add a loco that is DCC or MM... ahh reading the same article further indicates that the automatic registration only works for MFX, the layout does not go into service mode, and if you don't know the address of a DCC loco, you have to use the dedicated programming track.This is an example of how "simple" it is to use from the #3 2020 Depesche magazine.... actually misleading LGB DCC components in numeric ordersearch this page for "decoder" or "central station" or "throttle", etc. if you don't have the part number55005 Central stationThe second generation central station. Came in 2 versions, first has serial function control only, the upgraded version will be the 55005P, which can do "normal" function commands, what is called Parallel.The "P" may be on a sticker on the bottom, or maybe on the top. You could get it upgraded at the factory. 55006 Central stationSame as 55005 but supports parallel functions, i.e. a 55005P 55010 "train mouse" controller/throttlepart of very early MTS I systemapparently only serial mode 55015 / 55015p - controller / throttlecontroller from 2nd gen system, P indicates parallel function capable"universal remote" can consist 2 locos 55016 / 55016p - controller / throttlesimilar to 55015, but cannot operate switches/pointsno consisting?55017 - controller / throttlewireless throttle works with CS2 and CS3 central stations 55020 - decoderThere were 2 versions, the first by Lenzthere are single motoronly CVs 1-4 programmableLenz logo on circuit board14 speed steps onlyno BEMFSecond by Massoth: (there appeared to be several versions of the 55020 from Massoth)no logo on boardparallel function controlpossibly more addressesno BEMF25 x 55 mm(Also need to verify if there were address limitations built into the decoder. Were they short addressing only?) Connections:U+ - common for function outputsL1 - front light - 200 ma maxL2 - rear light - 200 ma maxF1 - F1 function output - 50 ma (V1), 300 ma (V2)GND - groundGL1 - gray - track (not sure which side) 24v maxGL2 - brown - trackyellow and green are motor (not sure of polarity) Per Dan Pierce: Note that if the 55020 is made by massoth, then CV 8 will be 123. If you can not change CV 29 then most likely it is the LENZ. Only CV1-4 can be changed on the LENZ.55021 - decoder made by massoth onlyversion 2.3 (CV7) and up will support 28/128 speed steps. (all support 14 speed steps)This decoder adds back emf and some other cv's that the 55020 did not have.max 1.2 amps(nice to get a list of these)Original version only supports CV1 addresses 0 to 22 (what happens at zero?)CV2, 3, 4 etc, there are some BEMF settings, and parallel to serial settingsnote CV 5 and above need to be written in register mode, so if you are not using a DCC system with register mode on the programming track, you use CV6 as the "register" that holds the CV number, and then CV5 will have the value.This is further confused that the reset for this decoder is only available by register mode programming, and it is CV55 = 55 .... so it does not become clear to neophytes that syou set CV6 = 55 (that means you will talk to CV55) and then you set CV5 to put the value 55 into the index.To make it even more confusing, with CV6 = 1, it means CV29... and you write to CV5 to set the values for CV29 ... these people should have been slapped silly for doing this.55022small decoder for small field railway enginessmaller size than 55021lower capacity, rated 0.8 amp, mas 1.0 amp 55025 - switch decoder? 55026 - cable to connect decoder to 6 pin interface55027 - decoderhave more functions (F1-F6) as well as 2 LGB motor capability (24 volt/3 amp)early versions 14 speed steps, later versions (need rev number) 28/128 sslong addressing supported55029 - decoderRetrofit motor and sound decoder, works with mfxhas 27 pin interfacethey claim the decoder handles 10 amps, and the motor output is over 4 amps6.7 watt sound output using 4 ohm speaker55030 - for 2nd motor with 55021used for second motor when using 55021booster decodernot very good55045 - programming module w/computer interfaceworks as command station, reads and writes CV's, service mode onlyworks with LGB softwarefirst 256 CVs only55050 transmitter - European transmitterfits in handheld throttle, like 55015 or 55016 to make it wireless transmitter, need receiver on other endmay have come in serial and "P" parallel versions55051 - US version of 55050 55055 - receiver - Europeanreceiver I believe it is matching the throttles using the 55050 55056 - receiver - US frequencies 55057- receiver for 55017 throttles, can have up to 4 55017 throttles 55060 - pc interface module - runs trainsUse LGB softwareCannot program decoders55063 braking moduleI don't know much about this module, but apparently it is very flexible and can work on analog too.Can control signals also apparentlyAlso has some "shuttle" capabilities and reverse loop capabilities55070 feedback module 55080 - reversing loop module 55085 - reversing loop modulenot weatherproofcan be used for analog55090 - 5 amp booster5 amp booster (slave command station), may have a P sticker, but it appears this is a simple booster, 2 wires in from the command station, just low level DCC, so the booster just boosts the input, therefore it can boost any DCC signal, serial or parallel. This was confirmed with Massoth helpline by Richard Sobey, thanks Richard. can be used with up to 4 55063 braking modulecan operate up to 55063 on analog layoutsMassoth apparently took over production of the 55090 in 2003 or 2004 and added the support for the 55063, and there was a program to allow older units to be retrofitted with the newer firmware, retrofitted units would be returned with a white sticker "Bremsboost 2x" on the underside.As of January 2019, apparently Massoth will still retrofit the older units to add the software to support the 55063 units.55100 - MTS 1 Starter Set(Central Station + Train Mouse + Diesel locomotive with decoder)See description at top of page55429 - keep alive storage module for 5502955524 - single turnout decoder, dcc, mm, mfx55525- quad turnout decoder dcc, mm, mfx55529 - adapts 27 pin decoders to 10 pin loco interface60175 - 5 amp booster for CS3 Throttles & Transformers & Misc 17100 / 1700 - reed switch50030 / 5003 - Transformer7 va - barely enough power to run anything, a third of an amp at 21 volts, for examplespring clips that connect wires weaken, has thermal cutoutthrow it away 50060 / 5006 - Transformercomes in either 230 or 110 voltm, be sure to look carefully. Later 110v ones have 50060/110 on top230v is 64 va,110v is 52va, 18vac 20va, 21vdc 32va, so approximately 1 amp on ac, and 1.5 amps DChas overload lights, and spring terminals on back50070 / 5007 - Analog throttledc input only (but manual says 17v AC input is ok, 18v DC)50101 - transformer "Jumbo"Input: 120 volt ACOutput: 0-24 volt DCDrive current: 10.0 amps max.Dimensions: 334 x 212 x 140 mm(13.2 x 8.4 x 5.5 in) 50110 - transformer6 amp20 volts AC230 volt model 50111 - transformer6 amp20 volts ac120 volt model 50120 - analog throttledc only50121 - analog throttle dc only51070 - analog throttle5 ampaccepts AC or DC inputthrottle only, needs power supply51079 - analog throttle 5 ampaccepts AC or DC inputthrottle only, needs power supplynot sure what difference is from older model, can be controlled from 55050 / 5505551095 21 volt switched mode power supplynormally used to power 60175 boosterAdvertised as 21 volts, but actually 19. Strange, it would seem that DCC track voltage would be lower than normal 24vactually rated 100 VA51120 - analog throttledc input onlyup to 24v2.7 amps52120 - analog throttletakes AC or DC inputbasically updated version of the 51120 "linemans shanty"5 amps52121 - analog throttle - panel mount60195 - wall wart 5 amp power supply
OK all here goes: I have set up many Marklin and other decoders to run on MTS. The MTS 3 is a serial based command station and tries to run new decoders as they have shipped at 14 speed steps. You must type F9 to switch the loco to parallel operation. Next, one must change the Marklin decoder to DCC and optional DC but eliminate other modes by changing CV50 contents to 2. Setting CV50 to 0 is DCC only. Now if you change the locos address, once again the MTS3 must be set to parallel again or it will default to serial operation. The MTS 3 system will do 28 speed steps if you use the Massoth Navigator to run your trains and allow you to go to 9999 addresses. It (MTS/navigator) can not do 128 speed steps. I hope this helps all understand what is needed better. PS: I own and operate both the MTS1 and MTS 2P system but program all decoders with my Zimo system as the newer DCC systems are much easier to use for programming. MTS can not read decoders but you can get the 55045 interface to a computer to program (read and write) decoders with a colored graphic screen but you are limited to the first 256 CV's. Also note the 55015 can program addresses 0-22, it is the MTS 1 that can only do 1-8!! MTS II is 1-16 with the 55016, and 1-22 with the 55015.