QSI firmware/sound File Programming


Note well: there are different files for different versions of hardware. When you get the loco info from the decoder using Q2 / Quantum upgrade, the decoder hardware number is shown. It is important to only install files that are compatible with your hardware. Don't try to load a Titan sound file on a Revolution. Don't try to put an HO file on a LS (Large Scale) decoder.

There are various versions of software, check CV7 to be sure:

  • v1 through v6 is the Q1 decoder, usually OEM
  • v7 is the Q1a decoder often OEM
  • v8 is the Q2/Quantum 2 / Revolution
  • v9 is the Q3/Titan. This is the only decoder that runs the ET / "emulation technology"

Where to download files:

QSI Solutions is out of business, but the web site was still up as of late 2020: You can explore with the Internet Wayback Machine, and use the following url: https://shedaker.wixsite.com/shedaker. Unfortunately most of the downloads are gone. Very little can be retrieved.

The QS Industries site is: http://qsindustries.com/  but no G Scale downloads, nor even the Upgrade program or the CV Manager program. Very weird.

There is a groups.io forum with some files: https://groups.io/g/QSIndustries/files but still not all the programming software, and not all the sound files.

I have created a groups.io forum, not to compete with the QSIndustries forum, but to provide a place for files to be downloaded, and also to investigate some of the latest features that very few people know about. The forum is open to everyone to join: https://groups.io/g/QSI-Solutions

If you get stuck, email me (please try the links above before deluging me with emails)

Getting and loading firmware/sound files:

First, install CV Upgrade, so you can download the sound files. (see the page here )

CV Upgrade allows you to load a sound file, play some of the sounds, hear the prime mover, and tweak a few things, notably and importantly base volume for sounds. I am not going to make a tutorial here. (but I do intend to do a tips page on this)

Note you can install this software and check out sounds without the USB programmer and/or it's driver installed.

Note that sound files contain both the firmware for the decoder and the sound file, they are not separately loadable.

Revolution Sound Files:

These files end in .Q2

Here is the page for the Revolution sound files, both HO and LS, note the file numbers.

QSI Revolution sound file listing and settings

Titan Sound Files:

 Titans can use what are called Q2FX files, these are the original Q2 / Revolution files converted for the Titan, and the new .Q3 files, that use the "emulator technology" features of the Titan.

QSI Titan sound file listing and settings


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