Specifics on different DCC systems and hardware

(remember: links to sub-pages at the bottom of this page)

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Well, there are many things that are important in picking a system. Unfortunately, a lot of the decisions made by newcomers is based on the throttle appearance and size. So rather than fight it, I'll put the sexy stuff first.

From left to right, A dollar bill, Zimo, Massoth, LGB 55016, LGB 55015, and NCE ProCab.

In choosing a DCC system you need to consider the entire system, how it works, how expandable it is, cost, compatibility, and yes, how much you like the throttle.


I'm over 50, and farsighted, so the larger the characters on the screen the better for me, because I don't wear glasses except for closeup stuff. 

Note: this is not about screen size, it's about how large the characters are on the screen. You can have a big screen full of tiny letters and it's not for me.

I also have been involved in the design of consumer electronics for a long time, and I have learned a lot about how to make a good system, the tradeoff between the number of buttons and the number and levels of menus.

I've listed several manufacturers' equipment here, and my experiences with them.

I always recommend NCE in terms of price/performance.

The European systems are full of features, often unique to just their decoders, and have more complex displays. I gave up my beloved NCE system for a Zimo system, which has unique features but is hard as heck to see in sunlight (color OLED high resolution touchscreen, each feature a strike against sunlight readability!!)







Notes on higher power boosters:

15 amp booster by Gallus, but the web site seems to be gone: http://www.modellbahn-gallus.de/

There is/was a 20 amp booster, max voltage 22 volts: http://www.perandones.ch/index.asp?inc=artikel


DCC Manufacturer ID table:

CV 8 should have one of the following numbers in it, identifying the manufacturer:

Additionally a manufacturer may put a version number in CV 7

1: CML Electronics Limited (UK)
2: Train Technology (BE)

11: NCE Corporation (formerly North Coast Engineering) (US)
12: Wangrow Electronics (US)
13: Public Domain & Do-It-Yourself Decoders (--)
14: PSI - Dynatrol / Lahti Associates (US)
15: Ramfixx Technologies (Wangrow) (CA/US)

17: Advanced IC Engineering, Inc. (US)
18: JMRI (US)
19: AMW (AT)
20: T4T - Technology for Trains GmbH (DE)
21: Kreischer Datentechnik (DE)
22: KAM Industries (US)
23: S Helper Service (US)
24: MoBaTron.de (DE)
25: Team Digital, LLC (US)
26: MBTronik - PiN GITmBH (DE)
27: MTH Electric Trains, Inc. (US)
28: Heljan A/S (DK)
29: Mistral Train Models (BE)
30: Digsight (CN)
31: Brelec (BE)
32: Regal Way Co. Ltd (HKG)
33: Praecipuus (Silicon Railway) (CA)
34: Aristo-Craft (US)
35: Elektronik & Modell Produktion (SE)
36: DCC Concepts (AU)
37: NAC Services, Inc. (US)
38: Broadway Limited Imports, LLC (US)
39: Educational Computer, Inc (DCCdevices.com) (US)
40: KATO Precision Models (JP)
41: Passmann Modellbahnzubehoer (DE)
42: Digikeijs (NL)
43: Ngineering (US)
45: ANE Model Co., LTD. (TWN)
46: GFB Designs (UK)
47: Capecom (AU)
48: Hornby Hobbies Ltd. (UK)
49: Joka Electronic (DE)
50: N&Q Electronics (ESP)
51: DCC Supplies, Ltd (UK)
52: Krois-Modell (AT)
53: Rautenhaus Digital Vertrieb (DE)
54: TCH Technology (US)
55: QElectronics GmbH (DE)
56: LDH (ARG)
57: Rampino Elektronik (DE)
58: KRES GmbH (DE)
59: Tam Valley Depot (US)
60: Bluecher-Elektronik (DE)
61: TrainModules (HUN)
62: Tams Elektronik GmbH (DE)
63: Noarail (AUS)
64: Digital Bahn (DE)
65: Gaugemaster (UK)
66: Railnet Solutions, LLC (US)
67: Heller Modenlbahn (DE)
68: MAWE Elektronik (CH)
69: E-Modell (DE)
70: Rocrail (DE)
71: New York Byano Limited (HK)
72: MTB Model (CZE)
73: The Electric Railroad Company (US)
74: PpP Digital (ESP)
75: DigiTools Electronics Servicing and Contractor Ltd. (HUN)
76: Auvidel (DE)
77: LS Models Sprl (BEL)
78: Tehnologistic (train-O-matic) (ROM)
79: Hattons Model Railways (UK)
80: Spectrum Engineering (US)
81: GooVerModels / HAG Modelleisenbahn (BEL)
82: HAG Modelleisenbahn AG (CHE)
83: JSS-Elektronic (DE)
84: Railflyer Model Prototypes, Inc. (CAN)
85: Uhlenbrock Elektronik GmbH (DE)
86: Wekomm Engineering, GmbH (DE)
87: RR-CirKits (US)
88: HONS Model (HKG)
89: Pojezdy.EU (CZE)
90: Shourt Line (US)
91: Railstars Limited (US)
92: Tawcrafts (UK)
93: Kevtronics cc (ZAF)
94: Electroniscript, Inc. (US)
95: Sanda Kan Industrial (1981) Ltd. (HKG)
96: PRICOM Design (US)
97: Doehler & Haas (DE)
98: Harman DCC (UK)
99: Lenz Elektronik GmbH (DE)
100: Trenes Digitales (ARG)
101: Bachmann Trains (US)
102: Integrated Signal Systems (US)
103: Nagasue System Design Office (JP)
104: TrainTech (NL)
105: Computer Dialysis France (FR)
106: Opherline1 (FR)
107: Phoenix Sound Systems, Inc. (US)
108: Nagoden (JP)
109: Viessmann Modellspielwaren GmbH (DE)
110: AXJ Electronics (CHN)
111: Haber & Koenig Electronics GmbH (AT)
112: LSdigital (DE)
113: QS Industries (QSI) (US)
114: Benezan Electronics (ESP)
115: Dietz Modellbahntechnik (DE)
116: MyLocoSound (AUS)
117: cT Elektronik (AT)
118: MÃœT GmbH (DE)
119:W. S. Ataras Engineering / Signaling Solution (US)
120: csikos-muhely (HUN)
121: ECCO GmbH ( maybe defunct)
122: Berros (NL)
123: Massoth Elektronik, GmbH (DE)
124:DCC-Gaspar-Electronic (HUN)
125: ProfiLok Modellbahntechnik GmbH (DE)
126: Möllehem Gårdsproduktion (SE)
127: Atlas Model Railroad Co., Inc. (US)
128:Frateschi Model Trains (BRA)
129: Digitrax (US)
130: cmOS Engineering (AUS)
131: Trix Modelleisenbahn (DE)
132: ZTC Controls Ltd. (UK)
133: Intelligent Command Control (US)
134: LaisDCC (CHN)
135: CVP Products (US)
136: NYRS (US)
137: A-Train Electronics Products (maybe defunct)
138: Train ID Systems (US)
139: RealRail Effects (US)
140: Desktop Station (JP)
141: Throttle-Up (Soundtraxx) (US)
142: SLOMO Railroad Models (JP)
143: Model Rectifier Corp. (US)
144: DCC Train Automation (UK)
145: Zimo Elektronik (AT)
146: Rails Erop Express (FR)
147: Umelec Ing. Buero (CH)
148: BLOCKsignalling (UK)
149: Rock Junction Controls (US)
150: Wm. K. Walthers, Inc. (US)
151: Electronic Solutions Ulm GmbH & Co KG (ESU) (DE)
152: Digi-CZ (CZE)
153: Train Control Systems (US)
154: Dapol Limited (UK)
155: Gebr. Fleischmann GmbH & Co. (DE)
156: Nucky (JP)
157: Kuehn Ing. (DE)
158: Fucik (CZE)
159: LGB (Ernst Paul Lehmann Patentwerk) (DE)
160: MD Electronics (DE)
161: Modelleisenbahn GmbH (formerly Roco) (AT)
162: PIKO (DE)
163: WP Railshops (CA)
164: drM (TWN)
165: Model Electronic Railway Group (MERG) (UK)
166: Maison de DCC (JP)
167: Helvest Systems GmbH (CH)
168: Model Train Technology (US)
169: AE Electronic Ltd.  (CHN)
170: AuroTrains (US/IT)

173: Arnold - Rivarossi (DE)

186: BRAWA Modellspielwaren GmbH & Co. (DE)

204: Con-Com GmBH (AT)

225: Blue Digital (POL)

238: NMRA Reserved (for extended ID #'s) (US)



Click the links below to go "deeper" into details on individual DCC systems by manufacturer

  AirWire   C.T. Elektronik   DCC Specialties   Digitrax 
  ESU   Lenz   LGB (MTS)   MERG 
  MRC   NCE 
  Pricom   QSI 
  Soundtraxx    Tam Valley Depot    TCS   Team Digital  
  WifiTrax    Zimo    
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