Main Menu
LS Trains
Beginner's FAQs
Choosing what your layout will do
Scale, what do I care?
Choose your era
Choose your power
Track Choice
Space for the layout
Roadbed Design & Support
What about sound ?
Where to buy?
Motive Power Mods & Tips
AML / Accucraft motive power
0-4-4 Casey Jr.
0-6-0 USRA switcher
Unpacking the 0-6-0
Wiring & QSI for the 0-6-0
Tips & Improvements
4-6-2 K4 Pacific
K4 Disassembly
K4 QSI rewire & install
K4 misc info/tips
K4 motor & pulling power
2-8-2 EBT #12
Accucraft Goose #5
44 Tonner for CMP
AML GP60 Prototypes
AML GP60 first release
AML GP60 second release
AML GP60 electronics
AML GP60 mods & improvements
Aristo motive power
Aristo-Craft catalog
2 axle motor blocks
Old Style Diesel Trucks
Upgrading from Sleeve to Ball Bearing
SS wheels
Prime Mover Motor Blocks
2-4-2 Rogers
0-4-0 switcher
Aristo smoke units
2-8-2 Mikado - live steam
Aristo weights
4-6-2 Pacific Versions
4-6-2 Original Pacific
4-6-2 New Style Pacific
SD45 wiring errors
SD45 weights and railing install
SD45 & GP45 Kadee retrofit
Triple Heading Aristo U25Bs & SD45
SD45 Disassembly
4-8-4 Northern
Speeder (brass)
2-8-0 C-16
C-16 - New
C-16 - Original
U25B potential instability
U25B Mods & Tips
Consisting U25B and SD45
2-10-2 Santa Fe type
2-8-0 Consolidation
Consolidation - disassembly
Consolidation - rewire
Kadees for the Consolidation
2-8-8-2 Mallet
Mallet Vignette
Improving power pickup
QSI Install
Mounting Kadees
2-8-2 Mikado - electric
General & Disassembly
QSI decoder install
Improving power pickup
Sound for the Mikado
RS-3 versions
RS-3 disassembly
RS-3 weights
RS3 Improvements
RS-3 gen2 QSI install
RS-3 gen4 QSI hardwire install
RS-3 gen5 QSI install
RS-3 Electronics
Class 66
Classic Rail Bus
Dash 9
Dash 9 QSI install
Early Dash 9 issues
Dash 9 Bachmann re-issue
E8 weight
E8 Coupler Vignette
Kadees for the E8
DCC / QSI for the E8
FA-1, FB-1
FA Versions
3rd gen FA
FA-1, FB-1 Vignette
FA DCC install
FA-1 factory sound systems
GP40 vignettte
GP40 & SD45 Kadee retrofit
GP40 smoking motors & debilitated wheels
Adding recycled weights to Aristo's GP40
GP40 Motor Replacement
Improving the PCC
PCC disassembly
PCC QSI installation
Rail Bus (brass)
Rail Car (brass)
Bachmann motive power
4-2-2 Bachmann Emily
GNR Stirling single trains
Modifying Emily to a Stirling
0-4-0 Bachmann saddle tank porter
0-4-0 Bachmann side tank porter
0-4-0 Bachmann Little Big Hauler
2-4-2 Bachmann Columbia
2-4-2T Bachmann
2-6-0 Bachmann Industrial mogul "Indie"
2-6-0 Bachmann Mogul
Mogul DCC installation
4-6-0 Bachmann Big Hauler
4-6-0 "Annie"
Barry's Big Trains drives
Big Hauler wiring
2-8-0 Bachmann Consolidation "Connie"
Connie wiring
2-8-0 Bachmann C-19
C-19 Wiring
2-8-2 Bachmann K-27
Improving the K27
K-27 Electronics
0-4-4-0 Bachmann 2 Truck Shay
0-4-4-0 Bachmann Climax
0-4-4-0 Bachmann Heisler
0-4-4-4-0 Bachmann 3 Truck Shay
2-6-6-2 Bachmann Meyer / Mallet
0-4-0 Bachmann gas mechanical
45 Tonner
Peter Witt trolley
Rail Truck
4-4-0 American
Bachmann Tips from "Loco Bill"
Bachmann Forney
Berlyn motive power
Casey Jones rail truck
Lionel motive power
4-4-2 Atlantic
Atlantic Disassembly
Atlantic wiring & DCC
Atlantic Driver Fix
4-4-2 Typical mods/fixes
Adriatic blind drivers
LGB motive power
Wiring LGB locos for DCC / decoders
0-4-4 Forney
LGB Acela
Track Cleaning loco
LGB Stainz
Loco pulling power
Loco Tender Weight & misc.
MDC motive power
Misc. motive power
MTH Motive Power
MTH Challenger
Piko Motive Power
GE 25 Ton Diesel
USAT motive power
Split axle problems
Diesel Motor Block Tips
USAT DCC installation techniques
0-6-0 Docksider
Docksider Electronics
4-6-4 Hudson
DCC for the Hudson
4-8-8-4 Big Boy
44 Tonner
F3 disassembly
F3 mods/tips
F3 DCC install
CamPac Kadee mounts for the F3
GP7 qsi
GP7 speakers
GP7 Electrical
GP7 custom Kadee install
GP38 Kadees & various mods
DS speaker enclosures for the PA
PA couplers
PA ladders
PA lighting
PA stock wiring
S4 DCC install
Raised Snow Plow for clearance
SD70 Mac vignette
USAT floppy axle issues/fixes
Broken Mounting Posts
4-8-4 FEF
motorblock & wheel kitbashing
Rolling Stock Mods & Tips
AML rolling stock
Body mounting Kadees
Cotton Belt Blue Streak freight train
Box car, double door
AML Bettendorf truck vignette
Stock car
Reefer, 40' woodside
AML reefers, Kadees, AML coupler boxes
AML freight car trucks
Bethgon II Coal Porter
Bethgon squeaking wheels & Kadees
AML PS4750 Covered Hopper Fixes & Kadees
AML Bethgons
Roller Bearing Trucks
AML High-Cube Box & Kadees
Aristo rolling stock
Box car, 53' EVANS
EVANS improvements
EVANS car Kadee retrofit
Cotton Belt freight train
Caboose, steel-sided
Hopper, 2 bay covered
Covered Hopper lowering and Kadee body mount
40' Gondola
Hopper, 2 bay offset
Hopper, 100 Ton 3 bay
100 ton 3 bay hopper vignette
100 Ton hopper & Kadees
Passenger cars, smoothside
Passenger cars, heavyweight
HW 3 axle truck vignette
Kadees for HWs
HW Lighting
HW disassembly
HW Conversion: 2 to 3 axle - Napa Valley Wine Train
HW truck problems & fixes
Ted's HW Kadee vignette
Adding clearance for the trucks
Passenger cars, Streamliners
40' reefer w/ball bearings
Tank car, single & triple Dome
Aristo Tank cars with body mount Kadees
flat & gon, lower, weight, Kadees
Misc. Version information
Truck spring installation
Lowered floors for 40' cars
Metal wheel issues
Frt trk ball bearing retrofit
Bettendorf BB Retrofit
Roof Walks
lowered floors & Kadees
Kadee 789 Truck Mounts
Box car, 40' plug
Fitting roller bearings to plug door box vignette
Box car, 40' Double door
MKT double door box car
40' double door box cars & Kadees
40' Flat car
Bachmann Rolling Stock
GAL Line
250 Ton Steam Crane
LGB Rolling Stock
LGB Modern Caboose
LGB's freight Trucks & Mods for Car Lowering
LGB Modern Tank Car
LGB SG 40' box & Kadees
LGB 50' flat, lowered, Kadees
LGB Center Flow Hopper, lowered, Kadees
LGB 50' modern box car
LGB SG trucks and lowering mods
LGB "fun" cars 41170 & 42170
Lionel rolling stock
Lionel ore cars
MDC / Roundhouse / Piko
MDC ore cars
MDC 2 bay hopper cars
PIKO 2 bay hoppers
USAT Rolling Stock
Caboose, bay window
Caboose, extended vision
Caboose, wood-sided
Box car, 40' PS-1
Box car, 50'
Hydra-Cushion kadee install
box car, 60' cushioned underframe
60' box cushioned underframe & Kadees
Hopper, 2 bay modern covered
Hopper, 4 bay
Intermodal car
USAT Intermodal Car & Kadee 907 Centerset Couplers
Ore cars
USAT streamliner disassembly
USAT streamliner couplers
USAT streamliner lighting
USAT streamliner rolling resistance
Modern car carrier
Tank car, 42' modern
USAT Modern tank & Kadees
Tank car, 29' "beer
Kadees for Bay & Extended Vision Cabooses
USAT 70 ton hopper, Repairs & Kadees
USA Trains American Series Woodside Reefer & Body Mount Kadee 789s
USAT Heavyweights
USAT H/W Truck mods
Misc. Rolling Stock
Speedometer Car
Sweeper Car
Remote Control (non DCC)
Train Engineer Revolution
TE Revolution Transmitters
TE Revolution decoders
TE Revolution components
TE Revolution Tips
15 amp TE with PWC / linear control
TE Revolution HO
TE Revolution DCC
Train Engineer - old Aristo systems
27 MHz Train Engineer
75 MHz Train Engineer
Aristo autoreverser
Misc Aristo
AirWire R/C
G Scale Graphics
RCS (original)
Layout Planning & Design
Planning for operations
Designing a yard
My Layout Development
Storage tracks in the garage
Inner Loop
Outer Loop
Tunnel Through Planter
Idea? Helix
Completing the outer loop
R.J. DeBerg hairpin loop
Layout Videos
Power / Electronics
Smoke units
Sound Systems
P. H. Hobbies
Phoenix Sound
Phoenix Programmer
Phoenix P8
Selecting Speakers for Large Scale
Chuff triggers and wiring
Soundtraxx Sierra
Misc. electronics
Noise filters
Aristo on board camera
Aristo PWC power
A standard electrical interface?
Current requirements / analysis
Electrical power pickup
Aristo Power Supplies
Aristo signal bridge
Electronic Components
LED Lighting Basics
Soldering and crimping wires
Comparison of DCC, TE, AirWire systems
Electrical troubleshooting
Volts, Amps, Watts, VoltAmps
DC "power packs"
Ted Doskaris' Vignettes
Ted's vignettes pg 1
Adding weight GP40
AML Bettendorf Truck Vignette
AML PS4750 Covered Hopper Fixes & Kadees
AML Bethgons - squeaking wheels & Kadees
AML Roller Bearing Truck Vignette
Aristo 1st Gen Floors & Kadee Body Mounts
Aristo #6 Turnout
Aristo 40' DD box cars & Kadees
Aristo 100 ton hopper & Kadees
Aristo Bettendorf BB Retrofit
Ted's vignettes pg 2
Aristo Covered Hopper, Lowering & Kadee Install
AML Reefers with Kadees and AML coupler boxes
Aristo streamliners - lowering & Kadees
Aristo E8 Coupler
Aristo Evans Car Improvements
Aristo Evans Car & Kadee Retrofit
Aristo Flat & Gondola, Lowered, Weighted, Centerset Kadees
Aristo Fruit Growers Express RBNX Insulated Box Car
Aristo GP40 & SD45 Kadee Retrofit
Aristo GP40 4 Axle Loco
Ted's vignettes pg 3
Aristo On-board Camera
Aristo GP40 Problems - Smoking Motors & Debilitated Wheels
Aristo HW Pass. 3 axle trucks
Aristo Knuckle Coupler Tests
Aristo Lowered Floors for 40' cars
Aristo Mallet
Aristo Metal Wheels Issues - Freight
Aristo MKT Double Door box car
Aristo Napa Valley Wine Train
Aristo PWC Power
Ted's vignettes pg 4
Aristo Revolution 15 Amp Base Station Implementation with PWC / Linear control
Aristo Rock Island 100 ton hopper car
Aristo Roof Walks - New Style
Aristo RS-3 Weights
Aristo SD45 Weights & Railing Installation
Aristo Signal Bridge ART-7110 Electrical Nuances
Aristo SS 90 Deg Crossover
Aristo Tank Car with Body Mounted Kadee 907s
Aristo Triple Heading U25Bs & SD45
Aristo Truck Spring Installation
Ted's Vignettes pg 5
Aristo Turnout Motors
Aristo U25B Potential Instability
Aristo WR Turnout
Cotton Belt Blue Streak Freight Train
Custom Kadee Coupler Boxes for Aristo Locos
Kadee 880 & 980 Coupler Gauges
Kadee #1 vs. G couplers - Metal Coupler Box
Kadees for USAT Bay & Extended Vision Cabooses
Layout Experiences by Ted
Lionel Flangeless Drivers, Adriatic
Ted's Vignettes pg 6
Proto & Model Turnouts
SS Wheels for Aristo Diesels
USAT 4 Bay Hoppers & Kadee 830s
USAT GP 38 - Kadee & Various Mods
USAT SD70MAC Experiences
USAT SP Hydra-Cushion Boxcar & Kadee 830s
USAT Intermodal & Kadee Couplers
USAT Streamliners with Kadee 906 centerset couplers
Aristo Heavyweight Passenger Car & Body Mount Kadee 907s
LGB Modern Tank Car - Weighted, Lowered, Kadees
Ted's Vignettes pg 7
LGB SG 40' Box & Body Mount Kadee 906
Kadee Body Mount Considerations
LGB 50' Flat Car, Lowering & Kadee 907s
LGB Center Flow Hopper Car w/Kadee Couplers
SplitJaw Bridge Clamps
USA Trains SD40 Snow Plow Relocation
USA Trains Modern Tank Cars & Body Mount Kadee Couplers
USA Trains 60 foot Box Car Body Mount Factory vs. Kadee Knuckle Couplers
LGB Modern 50 foot Box Car & Body Mount Kadee 907s
LGB's American Standard Gauge 1/29 Scale Trucks & Mods for Car Lowering
Ted's Vignettes pg 8
Aristo FA1/FB1 Lowered & Body Mount Kadee 907s
USAT 70 ton hopper - repairs & Kadees
Upgrading Aristo-Craft Loco Motor Blocks from Sleeve to Ball Bearing
AML High-Cube Box Cars & Kadee Body Mounts
USA Trains American Series Woodside Reefer & Body Mount Kadee 789s
GP7/9 & body mount Kadees w/3d printed components
USAT F3 Experiences & Kadee Centersets
Aristo 50 ton 2 bay hopper car & body mount Kadees
AML Stock Car Experiences & Kadees
Aristo's "Plastic [In]compatible" ELECTRALUBE Legacy!
Ted's Vignettes pg 9
USAT SD40-2 experiences, including Kadee centerset couplers
USAT 44 Tonner Experiences & Kadee Couplers
Aristo RDC Experiences
PIKO 2 bay hopper vignette
Resetting Errant KitchenAid Oven Latch
Ted's Solar Installation
Wheels & Trucks
Stainless Steel Wheels for Aristo locos
Aristo truck spring installation
SS wheel investigation by Ted Doskaris
Aristo-Craft metal wheels vignette
Train Line SS BB wheels
Track & Switches
Track & Rail Material
Aristo track & Switches
Aristo Wide Radius Switches
Replacing Aristo WR turnout frogs
Aristo WR turnout vignette
Aristo #6 Switches
Aristo #6 Turnout Vignette
Aristo Turnout Motors
Aristo Crossover Configurations
Aristo SS 90 deg Xover
New Aristo Turnout Motors
Aristo Wye
Aristo 19.5 degree crossing
Flex track and rail benders
Turnouts in general
5 way switch
Track Cleaning
Track power, wiring & rail clamps
Prototype & Model turnouts
Trackwork Tips
Air Operated Switches
Roadbed, Track Construction
Track & Wheel Standards
LGB track & switches
Build your own turnouts
USA Trains track
USAT #6 switches
G scale Sectional Track
Alternate turnout control
Reverse - reversing loops
Custom Kadee coupler boxes
Aristo Knuckle Coupler Tests
Kadee couplers
Kadee 880 Coupler Gauge
Kadee servo-driven coupler
Kadee Body Mount Considerations Vignette
Santa Fe Prototype Info.
Diesel Roster
F Unit Phases
Freight Roster
Passenger Car Roster
Steam Roster
Trucks and Wheels
Train Books
Santa Fe Northern 3751
Other Rolling Stock & Misc.
Napa Valley Wine Train
Napa Valley Wine Train
Trees - Cedar
Trees - Cypress
Trees - Juniper
Trees - Pine
Trees - Spruce
Trees - Misc.
Groundcovers - Mints
Groundcovers - Mosses
Groundcovers - Sedums
Groundcovers - Thymes
Groundcovers - Misc.
Places to buy plants
Aquatic & Floating Plants
Planting Tips
Plants To Avoid
Bushes - miniature
Misc. Train Stuff
Train Movies
Building storage cabinets
Tools & Accessories
Work Cradles
Lathes and Mills
Sherline CNC / Mach4 installation
Wheel & Gear Pullers
Drills & Taps
Train Books
Lettering & Decals
Detail Parts
G Scale For Sale
N Scale For Sale
Other's layouts
Paul Burch
Dirk Carmichael
Marty Cozad
Robby Dascotte / RLD Hobbies
R.J. DeBerg
R.J.'s layout pictures
Covered staging yard
RJ & Rex E8 run
Ted Doskaris
Ted's layout experiences
Ted's Outdoor Layout
Exit from house
HorseShoe Curve & Viaduct
Under House Layout
Ray Dunakin
Dwight Ennis
Fairplex layout, Pomona, CA
Dave Goodson
Ed Headington
Dan Hoag
John "JJ" Jablonski
Joe Mascitti
Mike Reilley
Dennis Sirrine
Vic Smith
Kevin Strong
A portable, lightweight layout
TimeSaver Switching Layout
Phil Zane
Scenery & Buildings
Bridges & Trestles
DCC manufacturers detail pages
Zimo DCC
Zimo MX10 / MX32FU
Getting started the first time
Quick manual for the MX32
Customizing Images
Zimo firmware notes
Zimo consisting tips
MX32FU charger
Greg's Zimo system cheat sheet
The Zimo Database
Switch/turnout configuration tips
Entering loco information
Zimo, Zigbee & Wi-Fi
Interfacing to the MX10, JMRI, etc.
MX10 service mode & other settings
Zimo system config tips
using the Zimo database
Zimo decoder tips
Zimo decoder programming tips
Zimo sound programming notes
MXULF Programmer
Zimo Resources
MXTAP - decoder test board
QSI Programmer H/W & S/W
Installing the QSI programmer
Installing and using Quantum Upgrade
QSI programming fixtures
QSI Titan
Titan sound files
Titan smoke
Titan Versions
Titan programming tips
Titan lighting effects
Titan advanced function mapping
QSI Revolution / Magnum
QSI Revolution sound file settings
QSI Programming Tips
QSI cheat sheet
QSI AirWire & GWire cab
QSI Sound File Programming
QSI Product history
QSI hardware pictures
QSI Installation tips
NCE Mods & Tips
NCE decoders
NCE USB, serial, JMRI interfaces
NCE PowerCab
NCE ProCab
NCE Procab backlight mod
Portable NCE System
NCE cables
Other NCE cabs
NCE Packet Analyzer
NCE Consisting
Airwire (wireless)
Airwire consisting
Aristo DCC
DCC Specialties
C.T. Elektronik
Digitrax DCC
Lenz DCC
LGB Decoders & Sound Boards
LGB 55025
Marius Dege DCC
SoundTraxx DCC
Bachmann / Soundtraxx "Thomas family" OEM decoder
Tam Valley Depot
TCS 501 decoder
TCS service mode issues
Team Digital
Rocco DCC
DCC system & layout wiring tips
My implementation
DCC sound decoders
DCC programming tips
Advanced DCC Topics
Aristo "DCC" socket
BEMF - Back ElectroMotive Force
DCC Speed Matching
DCC system debugging
DCC decoder & loco install overview
DCC software for PCs & phones
JMRI software
DCC Systems - How to choose
DeadRail (DCC over the air)
DCC "keep alive" systems
Portable DCC System
DCC Advanced Topic / Glossary
DCC Misinformation Debunking
DCC service mode tips
Z trains
New to Z Scale?
Z motive power
AZL motive power
2-8-0 Mikado - AZL
4-6-6-4 Challenger - AZL
4-8-8-4 Big Boy - AZL
Dash 9 AZL
E8 - AZL
F3 - AZL
SD-70 - AZL
Marklin motive power
2-8-0 Mikado - Marklin
Micro Trains motive power
Micro Trains Tips
F7 - MT
MT F7 Advanced
GP9 - MT
SD40-2 - MT
SD40-2 advanced
GP35 - MT
Searails motive power
Z Rolling Stock
Micro Trains rolling stock
MT Smoothside Streamliners
Marklin rolling stock
Marklin streamliners
AZL rolling stock
AZL Heavyweights
Z scale Links & Info
Z Wheels / Trucks / Couplers
MT Coupler / Truck Conversions
Who makes what in Z?
Cleaning & Lubrication
Z Tools
Module Construction
Advanced Module Construction
Module Wiring
Module Accessories / Improvements
Module Setup & Debugging
BFY - Big Freight Yard
Tools to bring to a "party"
The BFY, large yard module
"Raising the bar" on modules
Z Track
Marklin Track
Track Cleaning
Tracklaying in Z
Tam Valley turnout control
Rokuhan Track
Z Scale Layouts
Noch Layout
Layout on a Flat Car
Figure 8 test track
Z couplers
Club & show considerations
Powering your layout
Android devices
Android / Thunderbolt
HP Touchpad
Android software
Atrix 2
Samsung Galaxy Note
Samsung Note 3
Computer Stuff
My software recommendations
Windows 10 Tips
Windows 8 Tips
Windows 7 Tips
Windows Vista Tips
Windows XP Tips
Internet Forum Tips
Mac tips
PC Hardware Misc
Lenovo Helix
Overall windows tips
Joomla web site tips
Internet browser tips
RCA W101 V2 10.1" laptop
Windows 11 Tips
Firman generator / home transfer panel
Building my Plex server
Home Automation
Zniffer - Z-Wave sniffer
Z-Uno - arduino base zwave interface
Home Assistant
Home Assistant Yellow
HA Yellow Maintenance
Orig HA install operation
X10 system
Misc automation accessories
Where to buy ha stuff
Fiat 500e
Building the Juicebox 240v charger
Fiat 500e mods
Tomtom navigation system
Phone, sound, electronics
Charging stations / membership costs
Carpool lanes, discounts, other perks
Fiat Access app
Blue and Me firmware updating
Uconnect tips
Building the OpenEVSE 240v charger
Audi A8L
Audi electronic configuration / mods
Audi maintenance
Audi connect and other data services
Playing music & videos
Audi firmware updates
Kia Niro EV
VESS (noise) defeat
s/w 211103
Electric vehicles in general
2003 Mercedes SL500
soft close trunk lid
Mercedes Electronics
Mercedes Hidden Menus
fuses and relays
Fault finding & fixing
Mercedes module list
Mercedes Parts - where to buy
Mercedes HVAC
Mercedes ambient temp sensor
Mercedes misc body
AAC Multifunction Sensor
OCP & temp sensor
RAV4 Prime pluggable hybrid
Sodastream soda maker
Misc. cool stuff
Sofabaton - universal remote
LG Television
Samsung Gear Fit
Recent Cigar Reviews
Cigar Accessories
Cuban Codes
Inexpensive Cigars
Misc Notes
Diesel Cigars
Acid cigars
Ragdoll Cats
New Owner Checklist
Litter Boxes
Cat Supplies
Cat Trees & Scratching posts
Our Ragdoll Cat
Cat-proofing your house
Medicines and treatments
Cat Toys
Feline Probiotics
Your cat outdoors
Cat Behavior
Food for your cat
Petlibro wet food cat feeder
Grooming your cat
Jura Capresso superautomatic espresso
Human Touch Super Novo massage chair
Gaming chair for home office
About Greg
Home Tools & Tips
Lubricants for the Home
Getting & keeping "out" of the cloud
Home Security - cameras
DirecTV tips & discoveries
DTV firmware versions
DTV hardware pictures
Dish and signal levels
Greg's Web Site
LS Trains
Beginner's FAQs
Choosing what your layout will do
Scale, what do I care?
Choose your era
Choose your power
Track Choice
Space for the layout
Roadbed Design & Support
What about sound ?
Where to buy?
Motive Power Mods & Tips
AML / Accucraft motive power
0-4-4 Casey Jr.
0-6-0 USRA switcher
Unpacking the 0-6-0
Wiring & QSI for the 0-6-0
Tips & Improvements
4-6-2 K4 Pacific
K4 Disassembly
K4 QSI rewire & install
K4 misc info/tips
K4 motor & pulling power
2-8-2 EBT #12
Accucraft Goose #5
44 Tonner for CMP
AML GP60 Prototypes
AML GP60 first release
AML GP60 second release
AML GP60 electronics
AML GP60 mods & improvements
Aristo motive power
Aristo-Craft catalog
2 axle motor blocks
Old Style Diesel Trucks
Upgrading from Sleeve to Ball Bearing
SS wheels
Prime Mover Motor Blocks
2-4-2 Rogers
0-4-0 switcher
Aristo smoke units
2-8-2 Mikado - live steam
Aristo weights
4-6-2 Pacific Versions
4-6-2 Original Pacific
4-6-2 New Style Pacific
SD45 wiring errors
SD45 weights and railing install
SD45 & GP45 Kadee retrofit
Triple Heading Aristo U25Bs & SD45
SD45 Disassembly
4-8-4 Northern
Speeder (brass)
2-8-0 C-16
C-16 - New
C-16 - Original
U25B potential instability
U25B Mods & Tips
Consisting U25B and SD45
2-10-2 Santa Fe type
2-8-0 Consolidation
Consolidation - disassembly
Consolidation - rewire
Kadees for the Consolidation
2-8-8-2 Mallet
Mallet Vignette
Improving power pickup
QSI Install
Mounting Kadees
2-8-2 Mikado - electric
General & Disassembly
QSI decoder install
Improving power pickup
Sound for the Mikado
RS-3 versions
RS-3 disassembly
RS-3 weights
RS3 Improvements
RS-3 gen2 QSI install
RS-3 gen4 QSI hardwire install
RS-3 gen5 QSI install
RS-3 Electronics
Class 66
Classic Rail Bus
Dash 9
Dash 9 QSI install
Early Dash 9 issues
Dash 9 Bachmann re-issue
E8 weight
E8 Coupler Vignette
Kadees for the E8
DCC / QSI for the E8
FA-1, FB-1
FA Versions
3rd gen FA
FA-1, FB-1 Vignette
FA DCC install
FA-1 factory sound systems
GP40 vignettte
GP40 & SD45 Kadee retrofit
GP40 smoking motors & debilitated wheels
Adding recycled weights to Aristo's GP40
GP40 Motor Replacement
Improving the PCC
PCC disassembly
PCC QSI installation
Rail Bus (brass)
Rail Car (brass)
Bachmann motive power
4-2-2 Bachmann Emily
GNR Stirling single trains
Modifying Emily to a Stirling
0-4-0 Bachmann saddle tank porter
0-4-0 Bachmann side tank porter
0-4-0 Bachmann Little Big Hauler
2-4-2 Bachmann Columbia
2-4-2T Bachmann
2-6-0 Bachmann Industrial mogul "Indie"
2-6-0 Bachmann Mogul
Mogul DCC installation
4-6-0 Bachmann Big Hauler
4-6-0 "Annie"
Barry's Big Trains drives
Big Hauler wiring
2-8-0 Bachmann Consolidation "Connie"
Connie wiring
2-8-0 Bachmann C-19
C-19 Wiring
2-8-2 Bachmann K-27
Improving the K27
K-27 Electronics
0-4-4-0 Bachmann 2 Truck Shay
0-4-4-0 Bachmann Climax
0-4-4-0 Bachmann Heisler
0-4-4-4-0 Bachmann 3 Truck Shay
2-6-6-2 Bachmann Meyer / Mallet
0-4-0 Bachmann gas mechanical
45 Tonner
Peter Witt trolley
Rail Truck
4-4-0 American
Bachmann Tips from "Loco Bill"
Bachmann Forney
Berlyn motive power
Casey Jones rail truck
Lionel motive power
4-4-2 Atlantic
Atlantic Disassembly
Atlantic wiring & DCC
Atlantic Driver Fix
4-4-2 Typical mods/fixes
Adriatic blind drivers
LGB motive power
Wiring LGB locos for DCC / decoders
0-4-4 Forney
LGB Acela
Track Cleaning loco
LGB Stainz
Loco pulling power
Loco Tender Weight & misc.
MDC motive power
Misc. motive power
MTH Motive Power
MTH Challenger
Piko Motive Power
GE 25 Ton Diesel
USAT motive power
Split axle problems
Diesel Motor Block Tips
USAT DCC installation techniques
0-6-0 Docksider
Docksider Electronics
4-6-4 Hudson
DCC for the Hudson
4-8-8-4 Big Boy
44 Tonner
F3 disassembly
F3 mods/tips
F3 DCC install
CamPac Kadee mounts for the F3
GP7 qsi
GP7 speakers
GP7 Electrical
GP7 custom Kadee install
GP38 Kadees & various mods
DS speaker enclosures for the PA
PA couplers
PA ladders
PA lighting
PA stock wiring
S4 DCC install
Raised Snow Plow for clearance
SD70 Mac vignette
USAT floppy axle issues/fixes
Broken Mounting Posts
4-8-4 FEF
motorblock & wheel kitbashing
Rolling Stock Mods & Tips
AML rolling stock
Body mounting Kadees
Cotton Belt Blue Streak freight train
Box car, double door
AML Bettendorf truck vignette
Stock car
Reefer, 40' woodside
AML reefers, Kadees, AML coupler boxes
AML freight car trucks
Bethgon II Coal Porter
Bethgon squeaking wheels & Kadees
AML PS4750 Covered Hopper Fixes & Kadees
AML Bethgons
Roller Bearing Trucks
AML High-Cube Box & Kadees
Aristo rolling stock
Box car, 53' EVANS
EVANS improvements
EVANS car Kadee retrofit
Cotton Belt freight train
Caboose, steel-sided
Hopper, 2 bay covered
Covered Hopper lowering and Kadee body mount
40' Gondola
Hopper, 2 bay offset
Hopper, 100 Ton 3 bay
100 ton 3 bay hopper vignette
100 Ton hopper & Kadees
Passenger cars, smoothside
Passenger cars, heavyweight
HW 3 axle truck vignette
Kadees for HWs
HW Lighting
HW disassembly
HW Conversion: 2 to 3 axle - Napa Valley Wine Train
HW truck problems & fixes
Ted's HW Kadee vignette
Adding clearance for the trucks
Passenger cars, Streamliners
40' reefer w/ball bearings
Tank car, single & triple Dome
Aristo Tank cars with body mount Kadees
flat & gon, lower, weight, Kadees
Misc. Version information
Truck spring installation
Lowered floors for 40' cars
Metal wheel issues
Frt trk ball bearing retrofit
Bettendorf BB Retrofit
Roof Walks
lowered floors & Kadees
Kadee 789 Truck Mounts
Box car, 40' plug
Fitting roller bearings to plug door box vignette
Box car, 40' Double door
MKT double door box car
40' double door box cars & Kadees
40' Flat car
Bachmann Rolling Stock
GAL Line
250 Ton Steam Crane
LGB Rolling Stock
LGB Modern Caboose
LGB's freight Trucks & Mods for Car Lowering
LGB Modern Tank Car
LGB SG 40' box & Kadees
LGB 50' flat, lowered, Kadees
LGB Center Flow Hopper, lowered, Kadees
LGB 50' modern box car
LGB SG trucks and lowering mods
LGB "fun" cars 41170 & 42170
Lionel rolling stock
Lionel ore cars
MDC / Roundhouse / Piko
MDC ore cars
MDC 2 bay hopper cars
PIKO 2 bay hoppers
USAT Rolling Stock
Caboose, bay window
Caboose, extended vision
Caboose, wood-sided
Box car, 40' PS-1
Box car, 50'
Hydra-Cushion kadee install
box car, 60' cushioned underframe
60' box cushioned underframe & Kadees
Hopper, 2 bay modern covered
Hopper, 4 bay
Intermodal car
USAT Intermodal Car & Kadee 907 Centerset Couplers
Ore cars
USAT streamliner disassembly
USAT streamliner couplers
USAT streamliner lighting
USAT streamliner rolling resistance
Modern car carrier
Tank car, 42' modern
USAT Modern tank & Kadees
Tank car, 29' "beer
Kadees for Bay & Extended Vision Cabooses
USAT 70 ton hopper, Repairs & Kadees
USA Trains American Series Woodside Reefer & Body Mount Kadee 789s
USAT Heavyweights
USAT H/W Truck mods
Misc. Rolling Stock
Speedometer Car
Sweeper Car
Remote Control (non DCC)
Train Engineer Revolution
TE Revolution Transmitters
TE Revolution decoders
TE Revolution components
TE Revolution Tips
15 amp TE with PWC / linear control
TE Revolution HO
TE Revolution DCC
Train Engineer - old Aristo systems
27 MHz Train Engineer
75 MHz Train Engineer
Aristo autoreverser
Misc Aristo
AirWire R/C
G Scale Graphics
RCS (original)
Layout Planning & Design
Planning for operations
Designing a yard
My Layout Development
Storage tracks in the garage
Inner Loop
Outer Loop
Tunnel Through Planter
Idea? Helix
Completing the outer loop
R.J. DeBerg hairpin loop
Layout Videos
Power / Electronics
Smoke units
Sound Systems
P. H. Hobbies
Phoenix Sound
Phoenix Programmer
Phoenix P8
Selecting Speakers for Large Scale
Chuff triggers and wiring
Soundtraxx Sierra
Misc. electronics
Noise filters
Aristo on board camera
Aristo PWC power
A standard electrical interface?
Current requirements / analysis
Electrical power pickup
Aristo Power Supplies
Aristo signal bridge
Electronic Components
LED Lighting Basics
Soldering and crimping wires
Comparison of DCC, TE, AirWire systems
Electrical troubleshooting
Volts, Amps, Watts, VoltAmps
DC "power packs"
Ted Doskaris' Vignettes
Ted's vignettes pg 1
Adding weight GP40
AML Bettendorf Truck Vignette
AML PS4750 Covered Hopper Fixes & Kadees
AML Bethgons - squeaking wheels & Kadees
AML Roller Bearing Truck Vignette
Aristo 1st Gen Floors & Kadee Body Mounts
Aristo #6 Turnout
Aristo 40' DD box cars & Kadees
Aristo 100 ton hopper & Kadees
Aristo Bettendorf BB Retrofit
Ted's vignettes pg 2
Aristo Covered Hopper, Lowering & Kadee Install
AML Reefers with Kadees and AML coupler boxes
Aristo streamliners - lowering & Kadees
Aristo E8 Coupler
Aristo Evans Car Improvements
Aristo Evans Car & Kadee Retrofit
Aristo Flat & Gondola, Lowered, Weighted, Centerset Kadees
Aristo Fruit Growers Express RBNX Insulated Box Car
Aristo GP40 & SD45 Kadee Retrofit
Aristo GP40 4 Axle Loco
Ted's vignettes pg 3
Aristo On-board Camera
Aristo GP40 Problems - Smoking Motors & Debilitated Wheels
Aristo HW Pass. 3 axle trucks
Aristo Knuckle Coupler Tests
Aristo Lowered Floors for 40' cars
Aristo Mallet
Aristo Metal Wheels Issues - Freight
Aristo MKT Double Door box car
Aristo Napa Valley Wine Train
Aristo PWC Power
Ted's vignettes pg 4
Aristo Revolution 15 Amp Base Station Implementation with PWC / Linear control
Aristo Rock Island 100 ton hopper car
Aristo Roof Walks - New Style
Aristo RS-3 Weights
Aristo SD45 Weights & Railing Installation
Aristo Signal Bridge ART-7110 Electrical Nuances
Aristo SS 90 Deg Crossover
Aristo Tank Car with Body Mounted Kadee 907s
Aristo Triple Heading U25Bs & SD45
Aristo Truck Spring Installation
Ted's Vignettes pg 5
Aristo Turnout Motors
Aristo U25B Potential Instability
Aristo WR Turnout
Cotton Belt Blue Streak Freight Train
Custom Kadee Coupler Boxes for Aristo Locos
Kadee 880 & 980 Coupler Gauges
Kadee #1 vs. G couplers - Metal Coupler Box
Kadees for USAT Bay & Extended Vision Cabooses
Layout Experiences by Ted
Lionel Flangeless Drivers, Adriatic
Ted's Vignettes pg 6
Proto & Model Turnouts
SS Wheels for Aristo Diesels
USAT 4 Bay Hoppers & Kadee 830s
USAT GP 38 - Kadee & Various Mods
USAT SD70MAC Experiences
USAT SP Hydra-Cushion Boxcar & Kadee 830s
USAT Intermodal & Kadee Couplers
USAT Streamliners with Kadee 906 centerset couplers
Aristo Heavyweight Passenger Car & Body Mount Kadee 907s
LGB Modern Tank Car - Weighted, Lowered, Kadees
Ted's Vignettes pg 7
LGB SG 40' Box & Body Mount Kadee 906
Kadee Body Mount Considerations
LGB 50' Flat Car, Lowering & Kadee 907s
LGB Center Flow Hopper Car w/Kadee Couplers
SplitJaw Bridge Clamps
USA Trains SD40 Snow Plow Relocation
USA Trains Modern Tank Cars & Body Mount Kadee Couplers
USA Trains 60 foot Box Car Body Mount Factory vs. Kadee Knuckle Couplers
LGB Modern 50 foot Box Car & Body Mount Kadee 907s
LGB's American Standard Gauge 1/29 Scale Trucks & Mods for Car Lowering
Ted's Vignettes pg 8
Aristo FA1/FB1 Lowered & Body Mount Kadee 907s
USAT 70 ton hopper - repairs & Kadees
Upgrading Aristo-Craft Loco Motor Blocks from Sleeve to Ball Bearing
AML High-Cube Box Cars & Kadee Body Mounts
USA Trains American Series Woodside Reefer & Body Mount Kadee 789s
GP7/9 & body mount Kadees w/3d printed components
USAT F3 Experiences & Kadee Centersets
Aristo 50 ton 2 bay hopper car & body mount Kadees
AML Stock Car Experiences & Kadees
Aristo's "Plastic [In]compatible" ELECTRALUBE Legacy!
Ted's Vignettes pg 9
USAT SD40-2 experiences, including Kadee centerset couplers
USAT 44 Tonner Experiences & Kadee Couplers
Aristo RDC Experiences
PIKO 2 bay hopper vignette
Resetting Errant KitchenAid Oven Latch
Ted's Solar Installation
Wheels & Trucks
Stainless Steel Wheels for Aristo locos
Aristo truck spring installation
SS wheel investigation by Ted Doskaris
Aristo-Craft metal wheels vignette
Train Line SS BB wheels
Track & Switches
Track & Rail Material
Aristo track & Switches
Aristo Wide Radius Switches
Replacing Aristo WR turnout frogs
Aristo WR turnout vignette
Aristo #6 Switches
Aristo #6 Turnout Vignette
Aristo Turnout Motors
Aristo Crossover Configurations
Aristo SS 90 deg Xover
New Aristo Turnout Motors
Aristo Wye
Aristo 19.5 degree crossing
Flex track and rail benders
Turnouts in general
5 way switch
Track Cleaning
Track power, wiring & rail clamps
Prototype & Model turnouts
Trackwork Tips
Air Operated Switches
Roadbed, Track Construction
Track & Wheel Standards
LGB track & switches
Build your own turnouts
USA Trains track
USAT #6 switches
G scale Sectional Track
Alternate turnout control
Reverse - reversing loops
Custom Kadee coupler boxes
Aristo Knuckle Coupler Tests
Kadee couplers
Kadee 880 Coupler Gauge
Kadee servo-driven coupler
Kadee Body Mount Considerations Vignette
Santa Fe Prototype Info.
Diesel Roster
F Unit Phases
Freight Roster
Passenger Car Roster
Steam Roster
Trucks and Wheels
Train Books
Santa Fe Northern 3751
Other Rolling Stock & Misc.
Napa Valley Wine Train
Napa Valley Wine Train
Trees - Cedar
Trees - Cypress
Trees - Juniper
Trees - Pine
Trees - Spruce
Trees - Misc.
Groundcovers - Mints
Groundcovers - Mosses
Groundcovers - Sedums
Groundcovers - Thymes
Groundcovers - Misc.
Places to buy plants
Aquatic & Floating Plants
Planting Tips
Plants To Avoid
Bushes - miniature
Misc. Train Stuff
Train Movies
Building storage cabinets
Tools & Accessories
Work Cradles
Lathes and Mills
Sherline CNC / Mach4 installation
Wheel & Gear Pullers
Drills & Taps
Train Books
Lettering & Decals
Detail Parts
G Scale For Sale
N Scale For Sale
Other's layouts
Paul Burch
Dirk Carmichael
Marty Cozad
Robby Dascotte / RLD Hobbies
R.J. DeBerg
R.J.'s layout pictures
Covered staging yard
RJ & Rex E8 run
Ted Doskaris
Ted's layout experiences
Ted's Outdoor Layout
Exit from house
HorseShoe Curve & Viaduct
Under House Layout
Ray Dunakin
Dwight Ennis
Fairplex layout, Pomona, CA
Dave Goodson
Ed Headington
Dan Hoag
John "JJ" Jablonski
Joe Mascitti
Mike Reilley
Dennis Sirrine
Vic Smith
Kevin Strong
A portable, lightweight layout
TimeSaver Switching Layout
Phil Zane
Scenery & Buildings
Bridges & Trestles
DCC manufacturers detail pages
Zimo DCC
Zimo MX10 / MX32FU
Getting started the first time
Quick manual for the MX32
Customizing Images
Zimo firmware notes
Zimo consisting tips
MX32FU charger
Greg's Zimo system cheat sheet
The Zimo Database
Switch/turnout configuration tips
Entering loco information
Zimo, Zigbee & Wi-Fi
Interfacing to the MX10, JMRI, etc.
MX10 service mode & other settings
Zimo system config tips
using the Zimo database
Zimo decoder tips
Zimo decoder programming tips
Zimo sound programming notes
MXULF Programmer
Zimo Resources
MXTAP - decoder test board
QSI Programmer H/W & S/W
Installing the QSI programmer
Installing and using Quantum Upgrade
QSI programming fixtures
QSI Titan
Titan sound files
Titan smoke
Titan Versions
Titan programming tips
Titan lighting effects
Titan advanced function mapping
QSI Revolution / Magnum
QSI Revolution sound file settings
QSI Programming Tips
QSI cheat sheet
QSI AirWire & GWire cab
QSI Sound File Programming
QSI Product history
QSI hardware pictures
QSI Installation tips
NCE Mods & Tips
NCE decoders
NCE USB, serial, JMRI interfaces
NCE PowerCab
NCE ProCab
NCE Procab backlight mod
Portable NCE System
NCE cables
Other NCE cabs
NCE Packet Analyzer
NCE Consisting
Airwire (wireless)
Airwire consisting
Aristo DCC
DCC Specialties
C.T. Elektronik
Digitrax DCC
Lenz DCC
LGB Decoders & Sound Boards
LGB 55025
Marius Dege DCC
SoundTraxx DCC
Bachmann / Soundtraxx "Thomas family" OEM decoder
Tam Valley Depot
TCS 501 decoder
TCS service mode issues
Team Digital
Rocco DCC
DCC system & layout wiring tips
My implementation
DCC sound decoders
DCC programming tips
Advanced DCC Topics
Aristo "DCC" socket
BEMF - Back ElectroMotive Force
DCC Speed Matching
DCC system debugging
DCC decoder & loco install overview
DCC software for PCs & phones
JMRI software
DCC Systems - How to choose
DeadRail (DCC over the air)
DCC "keep alive" systems
Portable DCC System
DCC Advanced Topic / Glossary
DCC Misinformation Debunking
DCC service mode tips
Z trains
New to Z Scale?
Z motive power
AZL motive power
2-8-0 Mikado - AZL
4-6-6-4 Challenger - AZL
4-8-8-4 Big Boy - AZL
Dash 9 AZL
E8 - AZL
F3 - AZL
SD-70 - AZL
Marklin motive power
2-8-0 Mikado - Marklin
Micro Trains motive power
Micro Trains Tips
F7 - MT
MT F7 Advanced
GP9 - MT
SD40-2 - MT
SD40-2 advanced
GP35 - MT
Searails motive power
Z Rolling Stock
Micro Trains rolling stock
MT Smoothside Streamliners
Marklin rolling stock
Marklin streamliners
AZL rolling stock
AZL Heavyweights
Z scale Links & Info
Z Wheels / Trucks / Couplers
MT Coupler / Truck Conversions
Who makes what in Z?
Cleaning & Lubrication
Z Tools
Module Construction
Advanced Module Construction
Module Wiring
Module Accessories / Improvements
Module Setup & Debugging
BFY - Big Freight Yard
Tools to bring to a "party"
The BFY, large yard module
"Raising the bar" on modules
Z Track
Marklin Track
Track Cleaning
Tracklaying in Z
Tam Valley turnout control
Rokuhan Track
Z Scale Layouts
Noch Layout
Layout on a Flat Car
Figure 8 test track
Z couplers
Club & show considerations
Powering your layout
Android devices
Android / Thunderbolt
HP Touchpad
Android software
Atrix 2
Samsung Galaxy Note
Samsung Note 3
Computer Stuff
My software recommendations
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Windows 8 Tips
Windows 7 Tips
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Windows XP Tips
Internet Forum Tips
Mac tips
PC Hardware Misc
Lenovo Helix
Overall windows tips
Joomla web site tips
Internet browser tips
RCA W101 V2 10.1" laptop
Windows 11 Tips
Firman generator / home transfer panel
Building my Plex server
Home Automation
Zniffer - Z-Wave sniffer
Z-Uno - arduino base zwave interface
Home Assistant
Home Assistant Yellow
HA Yellow Maintenance
Orig HA install operation
X10 system
Misc automation accessories
Where to buy ha stuff
Fiat 500e
Building the Juicebox 240v charger
Fiat 500e mods
Tomtom navigation system
Phone, sound, electronics
Charging stations / membership costs
Carpool lanes, discounts, other perks
Fiat Access app
Blue and Me firmware updating
Uconnect tips
Building the OpenEVSE 240v charger
Audi A8L
Audi electronic configuration / mods
Audi maintenance
Audi connect and other data services
Playing music & videos
Audi firmware updates
Kia Niro EV
VESS (noise) defeat
s/w 211103
Electric vehicles in general
2003 Mercedes SL500
soft close trunk lid
Mercedes Electronics
Mercedes Hidden Menus
fuses and relays
Fault finding & fixing
Mercedes module list
Mercedes Parts - where to buy
Mercedes HVAC
Mercedes ambient temp sensor
Mercedes misc body
AAC Multifunction Sensor
OCP & temp sensor
RAV4 Prime pluggable hybrid
Sodastream soda maker
Misc. cool stuff
Sofabaton - universal remote
LG Television
Samsung Gear Fit
Recent Cigar Reviews
Cigar Accessories
Cuban Codes
Inexpensive Cigars
Misc Notes
Diesel Cigars
Acid cigars
Ragdoll Cats
New Owner Checklist
Litter Boxes
Cat Supplies
Cat Trees & Scratching posts
Our Ragdoll Cat
Cat-proofing your house
Medicines and treatments
Cat Toys
Feline Probiotics
Your cat outdoors
Cat Behavior
Food for your cat
Petlibro wet food cat feeder
Grooming your cat
Jura Capresso superautomatic espresso
Human Touch Super Novo massage chair
Gaming chair for home office
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