Interfacing to the MX10, JMRI, etc.


Cab Cables

The MX10 is shipped with a couple of cables. Notice the two front panel CAN and the two rear panel (CAN and LAN) are all RJ45 sockets.

The "normal" cable for the handhelds is a 6 pin RJ11/12 on both ends, and can go into either MX10 socket. This cable is wired straight through, like the 6 wire NCE Power Cab cables. Please note that 6 wire phone cables are not straight through.

There is a cable provided with a blue hood and RJ45, that is only for the XNET socket. It has a RJ45 connector on the blue hood end, and an RJ11/12 on the handheld end. Supposedly this cable in the XNET port is faster to the handheld.

I made a extra long cable for outdoors, with the 8 pin on one, and 6 on the other, wired as the "normal" cable. It started as a 6 pin to 6 pin emulating the "normal" cable but I was unhappy with the loose fit of the 6 pin in the MX10. Much nicer.


This is the most used "interface" to DCC systems in the US.

To set up: under preferences, you select the connections menu.

On a new tab (you can have several saved connections, and switch between them0.

System Manufacturer: Roco
System connection: Roco Z21

  • automatic configuration unchecked (need to research more what this does)
  • IP Address (the address you set in your MX10)
  • Connection Prefix: Z (will have to experiment what this does
  • Connection Name: Z21 (this can be changed to anything you want)
  • Additional connection settings unchecked


There's kind of 2 ways to interface. One way is an actual Roco Z21 system, and at first it seemed this was recommended for the Roco phone app too.

I found out that putting the MX10 on your own network, via Ethernet, would give the Roco app all that it needed for a phone with the app connected to your network, normally by Wi-Fi.



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