Customizing Images for MX32You can add images to the MX32 that can be displayed with a loco number. The images are BMP files, and need to be presented along with a configuration file.To begin you need to get an example file. This is on the Zimo firmware site, under 2014.11.20 date for the MX10/MX32 downloads, it's called There are basically 2 BMP files per locomotive "ID", they are usually referred to as 01 and 02.01 is 150 x 5002 is 279 x 92 I'm not going to give a course on image editing, but a few tips:Start with a good picture of pretty high resolutioncrop the left and right sides closelymake 2 copies to work withresize them to 150 pixels and 279 pixels horizontally, maintaining aspect crop the vertical dimension to 50 and 92 respectively, centering the imagerealize that this pictures are presented on a black background.adding contrast and sharpening helps Note that since these are presented on a black background you have 2 ways to go:1. Follow the Zimo convention and make sure you have a black background. This makes the loco stand out nicely, but it does lose detail with black things near the edges, they "melt" into the black background. If you want to do this, you need to make sure the border/background is black, and you have to watch losing details if you do the "bucket fill". The pictures look best if you paint the black color as close to the loco as possible . For this, open the picture and make it large enough so you can see every single pixel. Follow with a brush tool (about the size of a pixel) around the locomotive. After "encircling" the loco like that, use the "bucket fill" tool to fill the rest of the background with black color.2. Leave the background alone, normally white or a light color. The downside is the loco shows up in a white rectangle, but in my opinion, I see the details of the loco better.Next you need to prepare the .zsc file that allows the picture upload. Start with the file you downloaded above. Open up the file with any text editor. Notepad or Wordpad work fine on Windows.Basically the structure identifies a series of images, each one bounded by [Image] and [/Image]Inside there are a number of information items. I have not determined the meaning of all of them, but the most important thing is the ID number. 3. Next you have to amend or create a new .zsc list that tells the MX32 what to do with those pictures. The easiest way to do this is to use an already existing copy. Go to the ZIMO update web page and download the loco picture file "". Unzip the file. You'll see a whole bunch of loco pictures in that file, which you may or may not want. What you want though is at the bottom of this file called "ZsLocoImg.ZSC". This is the file you need to amend or create from scratch. Open the file with Notepad or Wordpad (NOT Word!!) Here's an example of a simplified file: (the red letters are my comments, they should NOT be in the file)//// Vehicle Pictures --- anything preceeded by // is a comment, affects nothing//[FileInfo] --- this section is for your convenience and documentationContent=Image.LocoVersion=03.02.0003Date=2019.01.26Name=Greg Elmassian[/FileInfo]//---------------------- EMD F7 --- nice to put a comment on your image section[Image] --- this "command" starts the definition of an image for the data baseId=5800 --- ID number, very important, and this ID is how the system references the picture in the systemName=EMD F7 --- the name that will appear on your screenEngine=D --- the following 4 are optional I think, not sure if they appear anywhereCountry=US --- "engine" I think maps to the loco types, here D = diesel I thinkGauge=NAutor=MFS --- this is "author" I believe, you can probably put your name herePartNum=M:33622 --- very important, must match the 2 lines below, you can use any #File=1|Loco 5800.01 EMD F 7 [M33622].bmp --- these are the names of the 2 files for this picture, 1st is the smaller oneFile=2|Loco 5800.02 EMD F 7 [M33622].bmp --- and the file names must match EXACTLY, spaces and all[/Image]//---------------------- EMD F3 SF Passenger[Image]Id=6000Name=EMD F3Engine=DCountry=USGauge=NAutor=MFSPartNum=M:37060File=1|Loco 6000.01 EMD F 3 [M37060].bmpFile=2|Loco 6000.02 EMD F 3 [M37060].bmp[/Image]//---------------------- STIRLING SINGLE[Image]Id=6001Name=STIRLING EMILYEngine=SCountry=UKGauge=NAutor=MFSPartNum=B:91404File=1|Loco 6001.01 EMILY [B91404].bmpFile=2|Loco 6001.02 EMILY [B91404].bmp[/Image] Sub-PagesGetting started the first time Zimo firmware versions & notes Zimo consisting tips Zimo, Zigbee & Wi-Fi Zimo Cheat Sheet MX32FU charger The Zimo Database Customizing Images for MX32FU cab Images for MX32FU cab Interfacing to the MX10, JMRI, etc. Zimo MX32 buttons/controls
Sub-PagesGetting started the first time Zimo firmware versions & notes Zimo consisting tips Zimo, Zigbee & Wi-Fi Zimo Cheat Sheet MX32FU charger The Zimo Database Customizing Images for MX32FU cab Images for MX32FU cab Interfacing to the MX10, JMRI, etc. Zimo MX32 buttons/controls
MERG (Model Electronic Railway Group) is really an international group, based in the UK, which was set up to promote interest in the use of electronics and computers to all aspects of railway modelling.They are not manufacturers, but do provide circuits, schematics, and kits to build many DCC devices.There are forums, user groups, kits, quite a lot to assimilate.I'll focus on the DCC products, mostly boosters, command stations, cabs, decoders, etc.This page is in the beginning stages, so not much here yet.
Zimo decoder tips(remember: links to sub-pages at the bottom of this page)click to jump to the bottomOverviewThese are some very well built decoders in terms of hardware quality and software capability. For some time there were very few USA sounds, but a few years back, clearly a concerted effort really added to the repertoire. Zimo decoders are renowned for having excellent motor control (not just speed but BEMF "smarts") and are the choice of many a large scale installer where you have unusual motor/electrical characteristics, notably Pittman motors and/or "free rolling" geartrains, where significant power can be GENERATED by rolling downhill.My personal opinion is that Zimo's path is using a powerful flexible processor and adding features with firmware, as opposed to implementing everything in hardware and then being limited to future feature content by that hardware, much as in their top of the line DCC system MX10/M32.Basic Programming tips:Using the programming track (service mode):You MUST have a motor connected to the motor outputs (probably some other load will do) otherwise you cannot read anything back.Often equipment from Europe needs "direct" programming, if writing to CV's does not seem to work, drop back to this mode.POM (Programming on the Main):As with most decoders, Zimo can be programmed on the main. Additionally, most decoders support RailComm, and you can read CV's from a loco on the main.My Zimo system supports this and is quite handy.Factory installed decoders may be lockedThis tip from K. Mcnary Re-using the susi outputs as function outputs:Installing the decoder firmware and sound file software:Hardware:First, for firmware updates, you need a programmer. If you just want to set CV's then you can use any DCC system, but it really helps if you can access the higher nuymbered CV's. Most good systems will do this. Also JMRI is an option, again given a DCC system that can access high numbered CV'sMXDECUPnow obsolete, works from a serial portIf you have one of these, here's a helpful page: are newer programmers that works on USB, the MXULF: (now obsolete) MXULFACurrent production in 2020 MX10Eventually, the MX10 command station will support programming a decoder, although promised since 2015.The programmers require software, the MX10 command station will have this capability in it's base firmware.MXTAPVNot a programmer, but highly recommended for programming and testing. Has leds along the left side for showing state of function outputs, a motor, a speaker, lots of sockets, SUSI, etc.Software tools:Now that you have a programmer you can program CV's, and if you have a Zimo programmer you can update firmware.For the standalone programmers, you need Zimo's ZSP, which is version 1.13.00 as of 2015_08_17, and it supports up to windows 10. Here's a link: is also a free program called ZCS that has a really nice graphic interface. ZSPWhen you install the ZSP package, you will get 2 programs installed: Zimo Decoder Update, and Zimo Sound ProgrammerBoth are set to German, so you need to set them to English.On the decoder update software, In the menu bar it says "File Sprache ?" ...... select "Sprache", and you will see "Andern", select that and a window pops up with "Deutsh" and a drop down arrow next to it, select it, and you can now select "English"For the sound programmer, it's a bit more complicated: After installing, when you run the the sound programmer software, the main menu is (and will always be) in German, there are 5 choices, from top to bottom they are:Decoder Software-Update --- downloads new firmware to the decoder, not sound file nformationSound-Projekt (.zpp) in den Decoder laden --- Existing sound project loaded into the decoder unchanged ---- this uses the *.zpp files (ready to go files)Sound-Projekt (.zpr) zur Bearbeitung offnen --- Existing sound Create Project - this uses the "full project" files *.zip or .zprNeues Sound-Projekt erstellen --- Create new Sound ProjectProgramm beenden --- Exit programSet the language to English. Start by selecting the third option above, and loading a .zpr file.Now the program loads,From the menus on the top row select "Einstellungen"... then "Optionen" will see "Language" and a drop down menu below it, select English. After that, still a number of things are in German. Keep a Google window open to translate until you remember all the places you want to go.The software wants a com port. If you are using a usb converter and no communication, test it on a real com port first. Set the com port to 19,200 baud, I know it does not work right at 9600 baud.Installing ZCSThis also needs to be set to English,Select "Sprache" in the main menunow all you can select is "Andern"now select the dropdown to change Deutsch to English.Decoder firmware and sound filesThe firmware in the decoder consists of the decoder functions itself, and the sound file.The decoder firmware files are here: sound files are here: are other sites that license their sound files: this is done by reading the unique serial number in your decoder and supplying it to the seller.Preparation:Make sure the programmer hardware has the latest firmwareInstalling new sound files:The new software uses several types of files, but I have not made all of them work. There is a "ready-to-use" file, which ends in .zpp - already configured.There is the "traditional" sound project file that ends in .zpr - it implies a directory structure beneath it.Recently, the ability to read a .zip file that has all the files in one archive has been added, I used this. Often when downloading, this type of file is termed "full-featured". This has been the most successful for me so far.You load a project and then you use the "decoder" menu, "load sound to decoder" to install, it goes through erasing flash, programming flash, and then programming eprom. The last part is about 7,900 steps, and it shows a counter as it progresses. If it finishes successfully, you get a green "Close" button.The first thing to do after doing the sound upload is reset the decoder. The K27 file made my decoder act crazy right afterwards. Seems that the sound file is ok, but some of the CV settings are nuts. So reset the decoder, you must use the DCC programming track, set CV8 = 8. I had to do this on the programming track, did not seem to work on the main.Remember that most sound files need TWO presses of F8 to turn on.Explanation of sound files: Basically, there are 4 steps, all done in the ZIMO Sound Programmer (ZSP) software with the loco containing the decoder on the programming track :- (1) Make sure ZSP is up-to-date. (2) Load the latest version of the decoder s/w into the decoder. (3) Re-save the sound project using the latest version of ZSP. (4) Load this new version of the sound project into the decoder. For more details see the link given above, under "Important Advice for loading Sound Projects". The reason for doing this is that there are changes in the structure of the sound project from time to time. This changes the s/w in the decoder and the structure of the file created by ZSP for loading into the decoder. If they are both at the latest version, then there are no problems, but if one is out of step with the other, then problems can arise. You should also use the calibration run (CV302=75) to set the sound levels correctly. Zimo sound "projects" are found here: Issues with programming with MXULF/A:I've copied the gist of a post from Art Leucher on the Zimo forum:"Decoder not found" usually means that the MXULFA does not get the acknowledgement from the decoder.The MXULFA should automatically set CV 144 to 0. But if you have problems, set CV 144 to 0 manually and verify.Do the same for Bit 2 in CV 29.Still no go? Try to set CV 112 Bit 1=1. The decoder would then generate an acknowledgement pulse rather than relying on current draw. Still problems? Try could also try the update via a PC with ZSP, available on the Zimo stie.Go to the "Decoder" tab, then scroll down to "Update decoder software". A separate program opens.Try a normal update first. If it fails, go back and select the SW in the software list first that fits your decoder, then select in the update window the box "Update without acknowledgement". There are some tutorials you can watch about how to do updates with a PC here: for smaller decoders:If you are using HO decoders, be sure to add an electrolytic capacitor to help brief outages. You typically use these smaller decoders in smaller locos, so you also typically have fewer track pickup points. I found a 1000 mfd to be noticably better than a 220, the 220 still allowed some dropouts. Remember the shorter lead on a radial lead cap is usually minus. On the newer Zimos, there is a gray and a blue lead already connected for this, be sure to check carefully, these 2 leads were on the opposite end from the rest of the leads. Gray minus, Blue plus. Smoke unit setup(much of this is from Dan Pierce and Eric Reuter and Kristine McNary) "Direct Drive" smokeI call it this because the decoder directly (and separately) drives the heating element and fan. Most of the off the shelf units have some regulator for the heater that really does not give a lot of smoke, and these regulators often fail. Also I have not seen any system with a reliable out of fluid detection system.So, directly driving the heating element makes sense, and of course pulsing the fan in time with the "chuff" on a steam loco is needed for realism. ProgrammingLots of little details here, miss one of them and things may not work like you expect. Note that usually F8 turns sound on and off, and F6 will turn "smoke" on and off. Turn F8 off and you not only mute sound, but will turn smoke off, so remember this interaction, turn on sound, and then F6 for smoke, leave F8 alone. (there are a lot of people confusing F6 & F8)apparently in certain systems F5 turns on the fanThere are 2 basic systems, the fan and the heater.(good to list the ports used used to drive each if possible) CV137 - CV139 - Smoke heaterI normally use USA Trains or Aristo or MTH units. Read more under SMOKE UNITS about the hardware. This lets the Zimo directly drive the heater element and the fan separately. Be sure to use an appropriate voltage, i.e. pick the minimum that gives you satisfaction, so programming mistakes have less chance of melting stuff down.The heater output (what is the Zimo description?) uses 3 PWM settings/ranges.For each setting, a value of 200 is the max (apparently there is a way to set the variable output with a pot on the variable output)The CVs for the heater element power are:CV137 is idle (standstill) powerCV138 is steady state (running)CV139 is acceleration (load increase) CV351 - CV355 - Smoke fanCV 351-355 are the fan settings351 cruise/steady state (diesel only)352 load/max acceleration, like starting up, spins fan up on acceleration or load, then settles back to cruise/steady state (setting of 112 can interact) (can also be 2nd fan)353 power off timer for smoke (heater?) setting to 37 is about 15 minutes (per Kristine)354 Chuff sound frequency when driving slowly, only in combination with CV #267 (steam chuff frequency)355 idle/standstill (normally more appropriate for diesels)Important other settingsUnfortunately there are a number of other settings that can/do interact or cause things to not work. Be sure to check ALL of these! Basics: Function keys defined for sound on/off and smoke on/offMost information assume that F8 is sound on/off and F6 is smoke on/off. If not, you will have to change how you set things. CV112 - load dependentI need more data on this. Setting to 0 seems to allow smoke while idling, but setting to 1 it may give a big puff when starting a diesel from idle, I need more definition of this CV114 - Ignore light dimmingIf you have dimming set for your smoke function key, it can "dim" the power to the smoke unit.If you have general dimming set (CV60 not 0), then you need to set a "mask" in CV114 to "deactivate" dimming for your heater function(what does CV60 do?) CV125 - CV132 - Setting function key for steam or dieselNormally F6 is used for turning smoke (heater) on and off. If so, then CV132 must be set to 72 for steam, 80 for diesel. (note well that F8 will turn smoke off also)If you use a different function key, then the appropriate CV (CV125 to CV132) must be set the same way for the function key used. .Function 8. CV 160 is set to 72 for steam (80 for diesel). It's working - F8 turns the smoke on and off too CV 268 does select in3 if greater than zero. Smoke type is 72 for steam and 80 for diesel, and the correct number has to be placed in the CV 127-132 range for smoke type. Which address is dependent on which CV from the range of (35-40) activates the smoke unit.CV 35 (F1) needs CV 127 set for smoke type 72 or 80.CV 36 (F2) needs CV 128 set for smoke type 72 or 80.CV 40 (F6) needs CV 132 set for smoke type 72 or 80. And CV ?? =72 for steam and 80 for diesel the ?? is cv address for smoke type to turn on, Dan uses CV 6 and enter CV address 132 with the 72 or 80 depending on whether steam or diesel in addressSound file notes:Notes on Galloping goose sound file:CAUTION: After installing a test drive of the decoder required -> CV # 302 = 75The load dependent sound is based on EMF (Electro Motive Force) measurements inside the decoder, which is primarily used for keeping the motor speed constant with changes in load. For the decoder to produce the correct sound for the respective driving conditions it has to know first what these measurements are at normal no-load cruising speed (smooth rolling of the engine or train on straight level track) that is, the “basic load” of an engine or train, which due to gearbox losses, power pick-ups etc. is often considerably higher on model trains than on the real rail-road. Deviations from this “basic load” will then be interpreted as inclines or declines, which will result in analogously changed chuff sounds.Setting CV #302 = 75 causes an automated run is performed to record the “basic load” factor in forward direction;The engine (or the train) is driven automatically in forward direction for which unoccupied track must be available of at least 5 meters (15 feet), with absolutely no inclines or declines and without any (tight) curves.With CV #302 = 76 an automated recording run can be performed in reverse direction, for locomotives that have different “basic loads” in this direction (otherwise, the basic load in reverse is considered identical to forward).F0 = headlight F1 = taillights F2 + horn 1 (a nathan 5 chime!!) F3 = horn 2 F4 = chain drive rattle F6 = headlights on high beam F7 = air release F8 = sound on offThe above is from the pre-set .zpp file. After consulting with Axel, I loaded the full project ( .zpr) file, and added a bell into F1, and moved the horn from F3 into F2. I'll play some more since, I have not experimented with how the lights are set up. It would be cool to have the taillights get brighter when stopping, like stop lights.The following CV values are set, on which reset with "Project Reset" - CV # 8 = 0 -:CV # 3 = 30 CV # 4 =25 CV # 5 = 180 CV # 60 = 170 CV # 114 = 252 CV # 119 = 131 CV #275 = 150 CV # 276 = 180 CV # 280 = 200 CV # 286 = 180Starting from SS (Speed Step) 0 to 1 or above, you hear an air release and putting the transmission in gear, then a "poppety poppety / putt putt sound". This is the "gear shift" After the "gear shift" has been accomplished, the sound reverts / stabilizes to a constant motor "drone / hum".The "gear shift" occurs again at SS 22, you hear the "putt putt" sound and then the motor "hum" resumes, but the "motor hum" is slightly different (2nd gear).The shift into 3rd gear occurs at SS 43, and again, after the shift, there is a slight difference in motor "hum"The final shift (into 4th gear) occurs at SS 64, and again another slight difference in motor "hum".I tested this with cv 3 and 4 set to zero.When setting the momentum back to stock, it becomes apparent that the "shifts" happen immediately when commanded, not waiting for the actual motor speed to catch up.So, if you leave the momentum "up", you can "call up" the shifting sound by going "through" Speed Steps 22, 43, and 64, without making a lot of difference in the speed. Zimo decoder programming tipsAnd there is an error, in the fan area CV 355 is typed as 365, an error that has never been fixed. For ditch lights127 controls FO1128 controls F02For ditch light type 1, set 127 and 128 to 33 and 37 respectively if ditch lights on in forward onlyto set to work in forward and reverse use 32 and 36For type 2, set 127 and 128 to 41 and 45lower headlight is rear headlight wire (yellow).. to make it work in forwards only set 126 = 1 MX6xx notes:To see if the decoder has a code, read out cv260-263. If not 0 or 255 then there is a code and a Hudson file can be reloaded.Since you did a reset, all smoke settings have been reset as well as voltage control (cv60) and sound placement to different functions as we set F1 for bell, F2 for whistle. Etc.Firmware for the decoder is CV 7 for high order bit, and cv65 for low order bit.Latest is 34.0, cv 7 =34, cv65= 0. This is the *****.zsu file on Zimo’s site. Note that CV 250 is the decoder type and that one should be a MX690 (value would be 208).I believe the side lights were wired in series by us to reduce the power consumed.Sound in that engine is a coded project which means cv260-263 are a code provided by the writer (Heinz Dappen) of the sound. Get these values and save them as any project by this person can be reloaded into that decoder as well as the free projects. Sound projects do rewrite all the cv’s.If you do a reset then you will lose the heater element settings (CV137-139) and smoke motor settings (Cv351, 352, 355), but I believe Nick played with these and are not what I had programmed them to be.If you have never tuned a smoke unit on a Zimo decoder, I would advise you for any change in settings to make sure the smoke unit is turned on for a minute before making changes as the fluid must be heated/warmed up for accurate results.When loading a decoder with a project it is important to have all functions off so only the motor is seen as a load, cv 29 to 10 nor 14 and cv 144 to 0.Once you have the new firmware loaded you can lock the decoder by writing CV144 to non zero and then only cv 144 can be written.Lower cv60 … about 100… lightsFunction 6 for smoke…. Cv125-132 control outputs…. 76…Cv 137-139 smoke output… low middle, high speedsmoke fan 351, 352, 355 (manual says 365)Some more items:(again courtesy Dan Pierce) The function key cv's for sound are 310-313.I set them as follows to have no sound at a standstill and all working when engine is moving with function 8 on.310=8 (function 8 road noise and random noise)311=8 general on/off, same as cv 310312=0 Drainage button313=8 mute button So, the value of 8 can be another function key for turning sounds on and off. Some projects used 310 with 8 and 311 with a different value so 2 function keys needed to be on for sound!!MX695 notes: Nick's decoder is a 10 amp unit, and is in a USAT trains hudsonfunction key mapping:cv 33-36 are function mappingcv 61 = 0 sets function mapping to nmra standardf5 - was coal shovel and marker/ashpan/fireboxf4 was nothing, now set to marker/ashpan/fireboxf12 may be smoke heater powercv39 = 0 (F5) (remove any lights from F5, leave sound)cv38 (F4) =1 = nothing2 = nothing4 = nothing8 = marker light & ashpan & firebox16 = nothing32 = nothing64 = nothingcv267 = chuff freq with virtual cam.... default 70, higher number fewer chuffs per revolutionset to 70 gives about 10set 150 gives about 5175 = 5200 = 4255 = 3.5chuff volume is set by the following cv's:275 = v276 = we changed to 60 (keep volume high all the time)277278 threshold So, the value of 8 can be another function key for turning sounds on and off. Some projects used 310 with 8 and 311 with a different value so 2 function keys needed to be on for sound!! BrakingFrom the Yahoo Zimo group, a post by Paul Chetter (will extract the information and incorporate later)It’s worth mentioning that braking effect will automatically cease when the road speed matches the requested speed steps. I.e. for a full stop, the throttle should first be set to 0 speed steps (as the driver a real would do) before applying the brake feature. If you wish to simulate a reduction in road speed to predetermined value, to negotiate a speed restricted zone, say, then reduce the throttle setting to the required speed step. Applying the Brake Key in this case will produce retardation until the lower speed is reached after which no further reduction (or increase) in speed will occur unless requested by the user.It was designed to be progressive - the longer the brake key is active, the greater the retardation. This is why it is recommended to use a ‘momentary’ function* on your controller button if possible. This will allow quick ‘dabs’ of the brake key which produce only modest ‘speed trimming’ brake effort or longer applications to produce more aggressive retardation. Maximum braking, controlled emergency stops occur by continuous engagement of the brake key.*You will be able to set any key on your Lenz system to either momentary or latched modes. European designed systems generally have this ability, US designs rarely give users the choice. However, all, or virtually all, DCC systems have some way of making F key 2 ‘momentary though this will differ between brands. NCE handsets for example have a dedicated ‘Horn/Whistle’ button which operates whatever is assigned to the F 2 key, but unlike the F2 key which is fixed in ‘Latched’ mode the horn/whistle button operates as momentary function. Digitrax also has a momentary mode available on F2.This is why all my sound projects since 2014 have had the Brake Key feature set to F2, to ensure maximum access to ‘momentary’ functionality across many controller brands.To get the best from this feature, here are the considerations you should take into account when setting up your CVs to use ZIMO progressive Brake Key feature.The essential CVs are CV4, CV309 and CV349.The value in CV309 is the F key on your controller to which you wish to assign the Brake Key feature (zero = feature not activated). This will be partly dictated by the brand of controller in use, otherwise a matter of choice. I have explained my rationale for using F2 in my projects.Realistic (automatic) coasting requires high values in CV4. I would suggest values of 100 as a starting point (I use up to 200 for really ‘heavy’ trains), but this will be governed by your own preferences. High values here, however, normally produce great coasting effects but at the expense of precise control of braking distances. The brake key can be used to temporarily defeat (or partially defeat) the influence of CV4 by reducing, in a hyperbolic curve over the duration for which the brake key is engaged, the effective CV4 value. The beginning of this progressive brake force curve, therefore, is the value in CV4 (which should be set with only coasting effects in mind).The point at which maximum retardation occurs is, just like real brakes held at a constant pressure, immediately before the loco stops moving.The retardation effect applicable at this point is set with the value in CV349. Any value between 0 and 255 is possible, but for any meaningful effect, values in the range 0 – 10 should be used as a starting place. My projects use CV349 = 6 as a default. Lower values give greater terminal retardation effects. (i.e. more powerful brakes)By varying the value in CV4 the mass of the particular train can be simulated. By varying the value in CV349, the efficiency of the brakes can be adjusted, so you can if you wish, simulate a loco with poor brakes and the same loco (after out-shopping?) with much more effective brakes, or the behaviour of a fully braked train vs. a non-fitted goods.The combination and interaction of CV4 and CV349 were designed to, and do, produce the most realistic and user configurable manual braking feature offered on any DCC decoder. the waltz: PurposeCVValueServoUncouple time1155 Auto Uncouple116155 Waltz address125-13248 direction1610= neg pulse 1-pos pulseallleft stop162701right stop1632101mid point1641271speed165101left stop166702right stop1672102mid point1681272speed169102left stop170703right stop1712103mid point1721273speed173103left stop174704right stop1752104mid point1761274speed177104 Servo 1 function key1815=function 5 Servo 2 function key18212= F12 Servo 3 function key1833=F3 Servo 4 function key18419=F19 Waltz on function 5131481 more: 131=48 is for both front and rear couplers. For forward direction to back up 131 needs to be 49 For reverse 131 needs to be 50 moving function to other function keys“Basically, if you want to ‘divert’ an f key on your controller to a different fkey in the project, then you set “CV#400+input key” to the f key that is defined in the project for the feature you want. For example, if the project has F Key10 defined for FA9 output, but you actually want F Key20 on your controller to do that instead, you simply set CV#420 (400+20) to value 10, so F key20 on your controller diverts to ‘internal’ F Key10 in the project.mx658n18recently it was pointed out that the manual does not show a picture of the underside where the pads for a keepalive cap would connect.The 2 pads are on the side with the "normal" capacitors right between them (the 2 largest orange things), and the pad in the foreground is ground and the far side is apparently positive and rectified track power.Sub pagesClick the links below to go "deeper" into details on Individual topics Decoder function key & output programming
MX32FU charger & charging infoOverviewOK, my new MX32FU super gee whiz cabs are rechargeable, and the batteries are clearly inside.To charge them, you connect them to either of the Zimo CAN bus jacks, one on front or one on back.I knew that since the unit is outside in a weatherproof enclosure, I would need a way to charge them not connected to the MX10.Greg's System Notes:This is where I will keep notes to myself as I go, sort of a scratch pad. It's also my things to learn or do list. Eventually it will go.This is at the top of the page for my convenience, sorry! It helps me keep this information handyCurrent system h/w & f/w statusMX32FU - Cab 1:UID 33EFF13E 0000C3DEHW: 07.60.0414SW: 01.28.0155 2020.09.03 19:00:50MX32FU - Cab 2:UID: 339321EC 0000C3F4HW: 07.60.0414SW: 01.28.0155 2020.09.03 19:00:50MX32FU - Cab 3:UID: 339321EC 0000C3F4HW: 07.60.0414SW: 01.28.0155 2020.09.03 19:00:50MX10 - Command station:sw: 1.21.00122017.07.28 17:11:19Battery charge / statusOn the 2 cabs I have, after charging all night, they have 4122 and 4176 millivolts shown. I can only assume they are lithium batteries.To display the current voltage (cab config) E-0, then scroll to Info / StatisticNote, while this display updates power on time, and rx messages, etc, the voltage is NOT UPDATED, and you have to "re-enter" the Info / Statistic screen to get the current voltage. That sucks. Also note that the best test of charge is when the charge current drops. It won't drop to zero because the system is 1terminalvoltagecab 1chargedmacab 2terminalvoltagecab 2chargedmacab 3terminalvoltagecab 3chargedma date 4191 4256 2020.09.13 4122 4176 2016.03.26 4137 4142 2016.03.28 4104 4160 2016.04.02 417117 2016.04.16 409217414917 2016.11.14 To power or charge the cabs, you use the can bus, but it shows that a special cable “6POLCAN2” can be used in the xnet socket, where to get or what is the wiring?Where are the CAN bus jacks?The more I looked at the jacks, the more confused I became.First the jacks are RJ45 (8 position), but you use the CAN BUS cables supplied, which are 6 position.On the front, it's the left hand jack On the back, it is the left hand one again. Figuring out the wiringCAN BusI figured the first place to start was the CAN bus standard:CAN highCAN lowCAN groundreservedreservedCAN shieldCAN groundCAN V+ (optional power)Zimo's "CAN" bus socket pinoutsBut to add to the fun, there are labels on the MX10 front to identify the pinout:Please note that the jacks have pins numbered from 1 to 8 left to right, when the locking tab is down.So from the front panel we have:snif +snif -groundCAN HCAN Lground+ 30vNotice that there are only 7 pins listed of the 8!!Now looking at the back, we have 8 descriptions (better!)Boo N (booster N)Boo P (booster P)groundCAN HCAN Lground+ 30vBoo UEOK now this is making a bit of sense..If you plug a 6 pin into the center of the above units, you getsnif - or Booster P (which the cab probably ignoresgroundCAN HCAN Lground+30vI measured the voltage and found 31.95 volts between pin 5 (-) and pin 6 (+) of an RJ12 cable plugged into the rj45 socket (note the pins refer to RJ11/12 NOT the RJ45 1-8)Now, I still wanted to validate the Zimo CAN bus from a document. Axel Tillman sent me this:NOTE: the above pin numbering is WRONG.The above information was for the MX1, but you can see the wiring order is right, but the pin numbering is backwards. If you number the pins according to standards (pin 1 is pin 6) you see pin 6 is CAN bus positive, and pin 5 is ground):To prove the pictures above have the pin numbers wrong, see the pictures below. The picture below shows the plug on the left, and a jack (looking in) on the right.So you need to wire a plug with pin 6 positive and pin 5 negative Results:SUCCESS!The simple method was to take 2 RJ-11 plugs and only crimp 2 wires into them, positions 5 and 6. Remember the definition above for pin numbering, not the pin numbers in the picture of the Zimo cable.So with wires in only positions 5 and 6, and I used a red wire in position 6 to remember polarity, positive voltage. Pin 5 is negative. It might be good to put a diode in series with one of the wires to protect from reverse polarity. If you add a diode, make sure you subtract 0.7 volts from the supply voltage if you are using a low voltage (this is why I have picked 9 volts for supply). I found the system was not charging if you got down around 7 volts.After a while, both cabs throttled down to about 0.18 amps, so the charging system is working fine. I do detect more heat from the cabs when charging at 30 volts and that proves that the 30v was chosen for convenience, not the least heat and aging of the electronic components.I have experimented with lower voltages, and there's no heating, and no appreciable difference in charging speed. I have picked 8-9 volts.The way I detect full charge is that the voltage in the cab no longer increases: (you can read from the menu system)Cab 1 finished at 4127 millivoltsCab 2 finished at 4175 millivoltsI would like to see what current draw would be when the cabs are off, but they cannot be off when power is applied.A tip, if you plug the cab in and it boots but not completely, unplug it and plug it back in. This allows you to use the menu system to see the battery voltage. Sub-PagesGetting started the first time Zimo firmware versions & notes Zimo consisting tips Zimo, Zigbee & Wi-Fi Zimo Cheat Sheet MX32FU charger The Zimo Database Customizing Images for MX32FU cab Images for MX32FU cab Interfacing to the MX10, JMRI, etc. Zimo MX32 buttons/controls
Sub-PagesGetting started the first time Zimo firmware versions & notes Zimo consisting tips Zimo, Zigbee & Wi-Fi Zimo Cheat Sheet MX32FU charger The Zimo Database Customizing Images for MX32FU cab Images for MX32FU cab Interfacing to the MX10, JMRI, etc. Zimo MX32 buttons/controls
DCC software for PCs & phones The one everyone knows is JMRI, hooks to most everything.Rocco software - zimo Rocrail - open source computer control, but it connects by USB to the Zimo MX10 to a pc there is another software that seems to work on phones by wifi