note: I have 2023 LG G3, so it's a bit different than previous models press green button (magic remote) 7 times to access VRR Information screen, shows refresh rate, state, resolution and color depth press mute button 3 times shows another menu, that lets you change some settings, like logo display, and auto power sync, and if wallpaper is displayed when no signal.. av reset, a number of things settings>>general>> tuning will be highlighted, press "1" 5 times and you get a host diagnostics information panel, lots of info long press 0, lets you edit the quick access menu, you can have long press on a number key access an app more actions menu, with arrow on screen (shake remote if no arrow) press scroll wheel, some more settings, including changing the banner location For the "secret" menu, the access method has changed... Use the factory service remote, and use the "P-only" button, before the "In start" button worked, but now it only gives some limited information and little to changepress ""P-only" buttonenter 0 4 1 3 into the 4 circlesthe tv will now rebootwhen you see the box with "Power Only", now press the EXIT button, and then the "IN START" buttonYou should now have the "original" secret menu, using the up and down keys you can scroll through the 19 menu items in the OLED menu, people often turn of TPC and GSR - Global Sticking ReductionTPC - Temporal Peak luminance Control -ASBL - auto static brightness limiter (system 1 menu) adj key will now take you to more settings to exit press menu button, WAIT 30 seconds, and then press the HOME key on the original magic remote after all of this, pressing the IN START button will take you to the menu without using the password... use exit to exit
Note: retrieved from the Internet Wayback machine, originally on by Scot Lawrence The Large Scale locomotive driver & powerblock kitbashers guide. (also a guide to "what Large Scale locomotives are out there?") Note: Some of the locomotives in this database are no longer in production, and are only available on the used market. Accucraft Driver height Driver-to-Driver distance Total driver wheelbase Notes. RRuby (live steam) 1.4" 35mm 2.36" (2-3/8) 60mm 2.36" (2-3/8) 60mm more dims here. Porter 0-4-0.. (electric only)..1.15" 29.2mm..2.4" 61mm..2.4" 61mm..1/20.3 scale...2 Cylinder Shay (electric & live steam)........1/20.3 scale.. 3 Cylinder Shay (electric & live steam)........1/20.3 scale...Mogul 2-6-0 (live steam)..flanged: 1.950" (49.5mm) .blind: 1.940" (49.3mm)..axles 1-2: 3.150" (80mm) .axles 2-3: 4.527" (115mm)..7.677" (195mm)..1/20.3 scale. SP S-12 0-6-0..(live steam)..(not yet released)......1/32 scale. C16 2-8-0.. (electric & live steam)..1.794" (45.6mm). ..Blind drivers: 1.780" (45.2mm)..axles1-2 1.794" (45.6mm) ..axles 2-3 1.800" (45.72mm) ..axles 3-4 2.383" (63mm)..6.75" (171mm)..1/20.3 scale Aristocraft Driver height Driver-to-Driver distance Total powerblock wheelbase Notes.2-4-2 Rogers ..1.75" 44.5mm..3"..3" wheelsets available0-4-0 switcher..1 and 13/16" ..1 and 7/8"..1 and 7/8" wheelsets available C-16 consolidation 2-8-0 1.45" 37mm.... block available seprately. 1/24 scalePacific 4-6-2. 2.5" 63.5mm....1/29 scaleMikado 2-8-2 (electric & live steam) .1.9" 48mm....1/29 scaleMallet 2-8-8-2..1.9" 48mm (same block as Mikado)....1/29 scaleNorthern 4-8-4 (not yet available)..possibly 2.75"!....not yet released, to be based on ATSF 3571 -1/29 scaleConsolidation 2-8-0 (not yet available)......1/29 scaleSD45..1 and 3/8"..2 and13/16"..5 and 5/8" 1/29 scale. block available seprately ART29355U25B/RS3/FA block..1 and 3/8"..3 and 13/16"..3 and 13/16"1/29 scale. block available, ART29351"Lil Critter"(fictional loco, no prototype)......1/29 scale. Center Cab (fictional loco, no prototype)..1 and 11/64"..2.35" 59.7mm..2.35" 59.7mm1/29 scale. block available, ART29536Mack Railbus..1 and 3/64"..2.35" 59.7mm..1/29 scale. block available, ART29538GE Dash 9-44CW......1/29 scale. Bachmann Driver height Driver-to-Driver distance Total driver wheelbase Notes.0-4-0T (side-tank) (out of production)1.32" 33.5mm..2.68" 68mm..2.68" 68mm..0-4-0T (side-tank) New Spectrum version ....."Lynn" 2-4-2 (out of production)1.46" 37mm..2 and 5/8"...."Columbia" 2-4-2 (out of production)1.59" 40.4mm..1 and 15/16"....Big Hauler/Annie 4-6-0 2.0" 51mm..2 and 11/16"..5 and 3/8".."Indie" mining mogul 2-6-0 (out of production) 1.6" 41mm.... 4.25" 108mm..Spectrum Mogul 2-6-0 2.0" 51mm..2.71" + 4.41" ..69mm + 112mm 7.12" 181mm 1/20.3 scaleSpectrum Americian 4-4-0 2.07" 52.5mm 4.42" 112mm 4.42" 112mm 1/20.3 scale"Connie" outside frame 2-8-0 1.9" 48mm..1.98" 50.3mm..5.85" 148.6mm 1/20.3 scaleSpectrum Porter 0-4-0 (saddle tank).......1/20.3 scale"Dizzie" Center Cab GE Diesel (out of production).......1/20.3 scaleSpectrum Climax (out of production) 1.37" 35mm..2.36" 60mm...1/20.3 scale">Spectrum Heisler.......1/20.3 scaleSpectrum 2-truck Shay.......1/20.3 scale (block available)Spectrum 3-truck Shay.......1/20.3 scale (block available) Hartland Locomotive Works (HLW) Driver height Driver-to-Driver distance Total driver wheelbase Notes.Dutchess 2-4-0 ......3"1/24 scalePrincess 2-4-4......3".1/24 scaleClass A,B & C 0-4-0 1and 7/16ths. ....3".1/24 scaleBig John.......1/24 scale4-4-0 american 1.97" 50mm.....1/24 scale Lionel Driver height Driver-to-Driver distance Total driver wheelbase..Notes.LS 4-4-2 Atlantic..2.65" 67.3mm..3.45" 87.6mm..3.45" 87.6mm..LS 0-6-0..1 and 7/16"..3 and 5/8"..3 and 5/8".. note: Lionel is no longer making LS trains. LGB Driver height Driver-to-Driver distance Total driver wheelbase Notes.Mogul 2-6-0 1.8" 46mm....5 and 1/16" block available seprately Mogul drive block 1.8" 46mm....5 and 1/16"650192-4-0 ........ Lehman "toy train" 0-4-0 ........ Forney 0-4-4........Mikado 2-8-2...... ..snowplow block........Olomana 0-4-2.. .98" 25mm.. 1.8" 46mm..1.8" 46mm.. Field Industrial loco.. 15/32".. 1 and 13/16"..1 and 13/16"..Porter 0-4-0..11 and 3/16"..3" 76mm..3" 76mm.. F7 type gearbox......65057 LCE-3 upgrade block......66095 Stainz 0-4-0........ Rügen 0-8-0......28002 DR 2-10-2......21811 MTH Driver height Driver-to-Driver distance Total driver wheelbase Notes.Hudson....................................1/32 scaleGS-4 Northern......1/32 scaleChallenger 4-6-6-4......1/32 scaleDash-8 Diesel, 4 wheel truck..1.28" 32.5mm..3.65" 93mm..3.65" 93mm1/32 scaleDash-8 Diesel, 6 wheel truck..1.28" 32.5mm..2.56" 65mm..5.12" 130mm1/32 scale USA Trains Driver height Driver-to-Driver distance Total block wheelbase Notes.Hudson......1/29 scaleB6 0-6-0 (not yet available)......1/29 scaleGG1......1/29 scaleAlco S4......1/29 scaleEMD SD40-2 ............1/29 scaleEMD SD70MAC......1/29 scaleAlco PA ........1/29 scaleEMD F-3..1 and 1/8". .3.75"..1/29 scaleEMD GP7 - GP9..1 and 1/8". .3.75"..1/29 scaleEMD GP30..1 and 1/8". .3.75"..1/29 scaleEMD GP38-2..1 and 1/8". .3.75"..1/29 scaleEMD NW2 ..1.14" 29mm..33.30" 83.8mm..33.30" 83.8mm1/29 scale EMD 44Tonner ......1/29 scaleEMD 20tonner ......1/29 scale Note: click here for some highly detailed NW2 block drawings by MLS Member Steve S. (dawgnabbit on MLS) USA Trains GP30 - GP7 - GP38 - F-3 use the same block. For updates, corrections, comments, etc, please email Scot at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Last updated February 28, 2008
AML GP60 electronics / DCC installOverviewThis is a LONG technical page, and needs to go into details due to the weird electronics in the loco, and COMPLETE lack of documentation.I'm going into these details to document the interface presented on the motherboard, specifically to adding any decoder.Apparently the choices made were because ESU was the only decoder company to do all the design (I assume free) of the motherboard. A really poor choice in my opinion, DCC is popular because it is a standard, and allows we consumers to make our OWN choice of what electronics.But in not-so-infinite-wisdom, AML decided to use a non-standard socket in the GP60, even though there are thousands of Aristo/Bachman socketed locos and several decoders that fit THAT STANDARD socket:Phoenix SM-18 decoderTCS Wowsound 501 decoderDigitrax DG583s QSI Revolution decoder (out of production)QSI Titan decoder (out of production)So this page is documenting the arduous process of:understanding the pinout of the OEM decoderthus allowing the documentation of the socketreinforce the understanding and the operation of the "dummy plug" for DC operationproduction of an adapter to facilitate the installation of ANY decoder (in such a way that ordinary hobbyists can do this)So, you can read how I got to the answer, or jump aheadTable of Contents: (with links)Starting: document Loksound decoder pinoutDocument the GP60 motherboard / socket pinouts from step above CLICK HEREDocument other motherboard connectors - the actual devices connected to the socket CLICK HEREThe strategy to make a plug in adapter CLICK HEREFinal wiring - connect the adapter to the decoder CLICK HEREThe starting point: LokSound 5XL decoder connectionsClearly the starting point is the ESU decoder, since no document on the motherboard socket is provided. Below is the pinout of the LokSound 5 XL decoder... pay attention to the fact that pin 1 has a square outline.I'm calling the leftmost connector J1, as it maps similarly to the industry standard Aristo and Bachmann sockets. This is where track and motor and headlights are.I'll call the rightmost connector J2, the top (in this illustration) J3, and the bottom J4(Note, THE FOLLOWING ILLUSTRATION IS FROM THE "BOTTOM SIDE" of the decoder)Now map the GP60 motherboard socket connections to the decoder Below is a picture of the motherboard, notice it's orientation is such that pin #1 is nearest the bottom on the left and right connectors. Also pin#1 on the lower horizontal connector is on the left. The top connector is not labelled the same way, but we don't care since it is mostly servos.Again using my nomenclature:Left Side: J1, #1 pin at bottomRight side: J2, #1 at bottom, but NOTE: the first pin of the decoder does NOT have a socket the J2 socket starts with the rear light, not AUX 11, weird.likewise the last connection does not appear in the socket, so the 14 pins on the decoder are only matched by 12 on the motherboardYou can see on the motherboard there are clearly 2 unused holes in the board, that the socket does not utilizeBottom side: J3, pin one on the leftTop side: J4, pin 1 on the right, but the numbering is screwed up when looking at the decoder illustration. No matter, mostly servos.Listing of the pins in the socket J1: (notice I reference the actual pins in the socket)Table 1J1 socket pin numberUSE notes 1 left rail pickup 2 right rail pickup 3 right rail pickup (optional) duplicate of to pin 3 4 right motor motor plus 5 U+ (common pole) no idea - needs research 6 U+ common pole tied to +UB on motherboard 7 GND 8 left motor motor minus9 wheel sensor input reference to ground or plus?10 left motor duplicate motor minus11 speaker 1 #1 speaker minus per decoder definition12 speaker 1 #2 speaker plus per decoder definition So most of what we want is here, the U+ things are not identical on the motherboard, so several things to check out.J2 socket pins: (again I am referencing the pins in the socket, which are NOT numbered the same as the decoder, the decoder has 14 pins, the motherboard socket only has 12)Table 2J2 socket pin number USE Notes 1 rear light 2 headlight 3 sensor input #1 4 AUX1 5 AUX2 6 AUX3 7 sensor input #2 8 AUX4 9 AUX5 10 auxilary board power control (reserved) 11AUX6 12 U+ tied to +UB, Pin 6 J1 J3 socket pins, (bottom) again 12 pins, starting from the leftTable 3 J3 socket pin numberUSE Notes 1AUX13 logic level 2speaker 2 #1 says plus (notice silk screen reverse polarity of speaker #1, clearly an error) 3speaker 2 #2 says minus 4+10 volts really? what for? 5+5 volts 6AUX7 7AUX8 8AUX9 9AUX10 10AUX11 also for SUSI data or servo511AUX12 also for SUSI clock or servo 612 UVAR regulated DC power common (+) 1.8 v, but can be set by changing resistor 1.5 to 3v J4 socket pinsTable 415,14,13 servo 111,10,9 servo 27,6,5 servo 33,2,1 servo 4(I will add a formal table here eventually, only for the servos, perhaps for uncouplers, or if there is a high current output for a smoke unit on J4 GP60 motherboard other connectorsThere are a number of connectors on the mother get the signals and power on and off, below is the legend mapping the silkscreen to functionsThe bright green pins are the J1 and J2 pins needed to connect to a decoder are in green Table 5 connector "number"mb socket connection silkscreen meaningX1 - right end (with the silkscreen right side up)(rear of loco)J1-1 - TRKL - left railJ1-2 - TRKR - right rail TRKL and TRKRTRacK Left and TRacK RightAs delivered, not connected, see X14 for feed pointX2 - right end / rear J3-2 SPK2 plus J3-3 SPK2 minus SPK2 SPeaKer 2, note polarity is also on silkscreendecoder lit says pin 2 is SPK2 #1, silkscreen is reverse of speaker #1.As delivered, speaker on top of loco connected here, weirdX3 - right end/rearJ1-4 - MOT+ - motor plusJ1-10 - MOT- motor minus MOT MOTors, note polarity is also on silkscreenAs delivered, rear motor connected hereX10 - right end pin1 is +5v J2-1 - pin2 is LMPR - rear lt pin3 is AUX 7 - J3-6 pin4 is AUX 8 - J3-7 pin5 is AUX 9 - J3-8 pin6 is AUX10 - J3-9 pin7 is AUX11 - J3-10?? +5v / LMPR / AUX7 thru AUX115 volts, LaMP Rear, and AUX 7 through 11.lmpr has a 1k resistor J3-10 goes through an IC, so it might be connected to aux11in some configurationAs delivered only LMPR (rear headlight) is connected in stock loco, AUX 7-11 not connectedX11 - left end pin1 is +5 v buss multi pin, use this pin to feet +5v common for decoderX12 - right end J4-9 J4-10 J4-11 SERVO2 / +5v / GND typical servo pins for servo #2As delivered, not connectedX14 - middle J1-1 - TRKL - left rail J1-2 - TRKR - right rail TRKL and TRKR TRacK Left and TRacK Right (duplicate of X1)As delivered, this has orange wires connecting to switch board, track pickups also go to switch boardX7 - left endJ1-12 SPK1 minusJ1-11 SPK1 plus SPK1 plus and minus SPeaKer 1, note polarity is also on silkscreen, decoder lit sayspin 12 is speaker 1 #2 -plus, pin 11 is speaker 1 #1 - minusAs delivered, not connectedX8 - left end J1-4 - MOT+ - motor plus J1-10 - MOT- motor minus MOT MOTors, note polarity is also on silkscreen (duplicate of X3)As delivered, connected to front motorX9 - left end pin1 +5v commonJ2-2 / pin2 is LMPF - front ltJ2-5 / pin3 is AUX2 - nbr bdsJ2-6 / pin4 is AUX3 - rt ditchJ2-8 / pin5 is AUX4 - lft ditchJ2-9 / pin6 is AUX5 - cab light pin7 is AUX6 - J2-11 +5v / LMPF / AUX2 thru AUX6 5 volts, LaMP Front, and AUX 2 through AUX6As delivered:Pin1 common to all front lampsPin2 - LMPF - front headlight Pin3 - AUX2 - number boardsPin4 - AUX3 - right ditch lightPin5 - AUX4 - left ditch lightPin6 - AUX5 - cab lightPin7 - AUX6 - not connectedseems the +5 common is from a regulator that is fed from the decoder itself.X11 - left end +UB / AUX1 / +5v / AUX13 +UB???, AUX1, +5 volts, AUX13As delivered, not connectedX13 - left end SERVO1 / +5v / GND typical servo pins for servo #1As delivered, not connected Plug in adapter strategySummary: what is needed for adapting a DCC decoder:we need a 12 pin connector on J1we can get away with 6 pins for J2we need to find a way to feed the +5 volt pins that go to the LED lightsModifying the Bachmann Dash 9 adapter for the GP60 socketCasual inspection will show that since J1 pins 1&2 are connected together (to not overload the socket current rating), plugging a decoder so wired into the GP60 would immediately short the 2 rails together, no to mention the connections are completely different.The Bachmann enhancement of the Aristo socket builds on the Aristo standard, and also somewhat standardizes the J2 connector opposite.So, there is no decoder or adapter other than the ESU that will plug into the loco without some changesThe Bachmann adapter has 2 ends:J1 "end" has 12 pins, but only 10 wires since J1 has pins 1&2 jumpered as well as pins 11&12, so it needs modificationJ2 "end" has all 11 pins with independent wiresLook carefully at the pictures below and you can see the copper that jumpers these two pairs of pins on J1;Steps to modify:Cut away insulator from pins on J1Remove the pins from the J1 side (see below)grind away the copper that shorts pins 1&2 and 11&12put in new pin strip with long pins on both sidesconnect separate wire to pins 1 and 12finally cut the adaptor in 2, and trim to fitStep 1: Cutting away the plastic from the connector:Below you see the black plastic insulator that holds the pins in alignment before insertion:If you take a sharp X-Acto knife and slide along the pins, 3 at a time, you can cut away one side of the insulator, and when you get done, the insulator on the other side of the row of pins will fall away:Now use solder wick to remove the solder on all 12 pins, and then you can pull them out one by one easily with a bit of heat. Clean up the board as best as you can with solder wick and a brush etc. Depending on your level of expertise, you might just heat and remove the pins one by one, and then cleanup the board with solder wick later. This is the way I did it.Step 2: Step 3: remove copper shorting 1&2 and 11&12Now cut away the extra copper that links the outer 2 pins... I used a small cylindrical grinder at slow speed: Step 3: solder new pin strip in:Now solder the new strip back in: (bought from amazon with 7.5 mm pins on BOTH sides Step 4: add on wires for pins 1 & 12Trim pins 2 through 11 (easier to get to new pins 1 & 12Add in new wires for pins 1 and 12Step 5: cut adaptor in half and trim to fitCut the adapter in half and you have your 2 plugs to access all the "peripherals" needed for ANY decoder installation.You will need to trim bottom margin to white line on both halves, and make them narrower, look at the silk screen for a guide.You need to notch J1 to clear other socketUse the picture below as a guide, Installation and connections: Final pin connections for J1 & J2 for connecting any decoder (no servos)test connect decoder, just connect:track pickupsmotorsspeakerif this works, then finalize "forwards" wiring: (do in the following order)test for DCC direction, and complete wiring to motors (reverse motor wire connections)test for DC direction, and complete wiring to track pickups, adding in a polyswitch to EACH track pickup wire (4 total) (reverse track pickup connections if wrong) Next, add the lighting functions and the +5 volt supply (from QSI to motherboard) Table 6 - J1 and J2 wiring in order - green is what needs to be connected to my Titan"J" GP60 motherboard socketfunctionwire color on modded adapterQSI titan socket& pin # corresponding GP60 motherboard "Xn" connector if any (n=1 to 11) J1-1 Left rail pickup red (added) J1-1 X1 and X14 J1-2 Right rail pickup black J1-12 X1 and X14 J1-3 J1-4 Motor plus white J1-10 X3 and X8 J1-5 J1-6 J1-7 J1-8 Motor minus green J1-3 X3 and X8 J1-9 J1-10 J1-11 speaker 1 plus (#1) red J2-1 X7 J1-12 speaker 1 minus (#2) black J2-3 X7 J2-1rear headlamp purple J1-9 uses QSI LED port 2 J2-2 front headlamp purple J1-4 uses QSI LED port 1 J2-3 J2-4 J2-5 number boards green J3-2 uses QSI LED port 6 J2-6 right ditch light green J2-12 uses QSI LED port 4 J2-7 J2-8 left ditch light brown J2-8 uses QSI LED port 3 J2-9 cab light brown J3-4 uses QSI LED port 8 J2-10 J2-11 J2-12 X11-1 +5 volt common J3-11 feed +5v from Titan to motherboard X11 J3-1 J3-2 speaker 2 #1 J2-4 X2 - used for optional fuel tank speaker J3-3 speaker 2 #2 J2-5 X2 - ditto above, need to double check polarity J3-4 J3-5 J3-6 J3-7 J3-8 J3-9 J3-10 J3-11 J3-12 Direct wired to QSI (not using socket)QSI J3-1 - LED port 5 - unused - possible beacon #1QSI J3-3 - LED port 7 - unused - possible beacon #2QSI J2-10 - LED port 9 - used for optional smoke fanQSI J2-11 - LED port 10 - unused - possible beacon #3QSI J3-8 - LED port 11 - unused - possible beacon #4QSI J1-8 - LED port 12 - used for optional smoke heater The picture below shows the basic connections.You have the #1 pin reference on the silk screen on each boardThe wires in the black tube are unused. I may add a rotating beacon at some other time, so I have not cut away the rest of the wires from the adapters. QSI Titan function mappingso to map functions, you use the extended function mappingleft at default:F0 - headlights on/off (note headlights dim in opposite direction)F1 - bellF2 - horn on/offF3 - coupler soundsF4 - cooling fansF5 - dynamic brakes (only above 9 smph)F6 - QSI startup, also used for horn doppler shiftF7 - brakes (if speed is dropped to zero)F8 - mute (normally set to 15% volume, not full mute)F9 - when stopped, initiates 3 phase shutdown.. when moving, sound of power, actual speed remains constant, but motor sounds vary with throttle, engaging 1 horn honk, disengaging 2 horn honksF10 - status report (set only to loco address now, change)F11 - toggle between primary and secondary hornsF12 -F13 - volume downF14 - volume upF15 - stopped plays air letoff (not working right, plays horn), moving plays grade crossingF16 -F17'F18F19F20F21F22F23F24F25F26 - check water level when stopped, short air let-off when runningF27 - runs motor up to check, short air let-offF28 - check water level, short air let-off ReferenceGP60 Dummy plug notesInvestigating the "dummy plug" will yield some more cluesBelow is a picture of the "dummy plug", shown below (as shipped for DC operation)Dip Switch labeling/mapping:Closer inspection shows dip switches apparently mapped to headlights and AUX functions, and the default settings:The silk screening indicates the 2 headlights (upper left switch position 3&4 and 5&6) and then AUX outputs A1 through A11.It would seem that only AUX 1 through 7 have something connected. (by the switch positions)I will verify this, but it's clear there are 2 switches per "output" (normally a led)So every switch has either: (this indicates what function is controlled)LF or LR (light front, light rear)A1 through A13 for AUX1 through AUX13 (the A is missing on some switchesIn addition every switch has:F or R (meaning operation in forward or reverse)ON/OFF (move to ON to enable the desired direction)Looking at the switch positions as shipped:front light is on only in forwardsrear light is on only in reversethe rest are on only in forwards (that is weird) Bachmann / Aristo socket wiringThis is background to help understand the standard socket wiring, since I will use a modified Bachmann adapter plug.Therefore a "mapping" between the Bachmann nomenclature may be helpful to use the silk screened data on the plug.Showing the standards for J1 and J2:Note: The basic Aristo socket only uses J1 electrically: Pin # J1 function (Aristo) J1 function (Bachmann) J2 function(Bachmann) 1 Power Pick-up Right Side Power Pick-up Right Side Aux power 2 Power Pick-up Right SidePower Pick-up Right Side F1 3 Motor(s) Right SideMotor + F2 4 Front Lamp Control rear LED ??? F3 5 Smoke On/Off*smoke - F4 6 + Outgnd F5 7 Ground CommonB+ train bus +8Smoke On/Off*chuff train bus -9Rear Lamp Controlfront LED?? SP-10Motor(s) Left Sidemotor - Reed sw11Power Pick-up Left Sidepower pickup left side SP+12Power Pick-up Left Sidepower pickup left side XXXXXXXXX Aristo did not standardize J2 for power/control purposes(but sometimes the speaker is wired to it), * Pin 5 & 8 must be bridged for DCC Modification overview:So the plan is:cut the adapter in half (since the distance between J1 and J2 is also different from the Aristo/Bachmann standardsthe 11 pin piece is ready to use on J2the 12 pin piece needs to be modified to remove the "shorts" between 1&2 and 11&12Modifying the J1 "piece"first cut away the plastic header that kept the pins together for assemblyremove the pins one by oneremove the copper that contacts pins 1 and 12 (leaving the wire and copper intact for pins 2 and 11replace the pins with a header with long pins on both sidescut the extra pins on top that are not needed (pins 2 through 11)solder 2 new wires to pins 1 and 12 (picture here)
AML GP60 second release Overview: Hoo boy! Lots to talk about, mostly assembly and design. While this page is being built, it will be in goofy order. Basically a product with a complex and non-standard electrical interface with NO DOCUMENTATION WHATSOEVER. Also several design issues in the final product, QA and assembly issues. Issue: missing or broken partsSo my buddy RJ just got one (Jan 2024) and the instruction plate under the dynamic brake blister is missing:This is what you should see: This is what RJ found in his: Broken/missing detail parts:missing number board - reported by Tedmissing brake hose assembly - reported by RJbroken brake hose assembly - reported by Tedbroken underbody piping - reported by RJmissing switch plate (as above) - reported by RJmissing pamphlet with exploded diagrams - reported by RJbroken safety chain between end stanchionsHUGE Some locos wired wrong, shorting the rails together (because trucks are identical, and they are in reversed direction, just like USAT diesels, the track and motor wires must be wired opposite between the 2 trucks. For a short time at the factory, apparently the main electronic tech who does the wiring was sick, and the temporary guy did not wire them right. Now, this loco could NEVER be test run on a piece of track, with the left rail shorted to the right rail, so not a great QA standard in the factory. Problem: poor or defective assemblyBack to the same pictures, this is how the top switch board should look when the trim plate is removed: but see RJ's unit: See a problem?missing metal plate with legendBoard is mounted 180 degrees wrongBattery charge plug obstructedShell not routed out to clear battery charge plugA sharp observer will see that the extra clearance for the charge socket was routed with a mill, seeing the radiused corners on Ted's loco. Another example is that the speedometer drive cable should be coming from the front left truck sideframe. Ted's was on the right rear on one loco, correct on the other loco (he has 2 SP units). Issue, no documentation on electrical interface This is a HUGE problem, and frankly inexcusable.The main motherboard is designed to ONLY support an ESU Loksound 5 XL decoder.This is foolish, since ESU is a minor player in the USA, has limited sound files, and most documentation is in German.In any case, the main board has 4 SIP socket strips, and there is NO WAY to attach any other decoder.There is a dummy plug that goes into the socket: The dummy plug can control some of the lights and have them off, or on in forwards or on in reverse. There is no ditch light automatic function or blinking DisassemblyStarting tips:Get a set of tools that VERY CLOSELY fit the Philips screws, they are in very tightly and you can easily strip the heads. remove the blister on the top of the loco, mine was a tight fit, so pull up on the sides but be careful, over-gripping will put force on the shell, not the blister. My long extension was also sticky.the metal cover plate over the switches was not secured, lift that out.turn the loco over, taking care to NOT rest it on the horns on the remove the fuel tank: (NOT needed to remove shell)remove the 4 screws for the fuel tank, they are in way tight, note the fuel filler faces forwards.when removing the tank, note the 2 air compressor lines that enter the tank, they are not connected, they just fit through slots in the end of the tank, lift straight remove the shell:remove the 4 screws on the underside at about the 4 corners of the trucksdo not remove the screws in the plates at the very ends of the locoremove the 4 screws that secure the left and right walls of the cabbe SURE to disconnect the handrails at 4 locations on the cab, pop them out of the cab gentlybe SURE to have enough room to lift the shell off the loco on your workspace, have at least a nice thick terry towel. The wires are SHORT between the 2 parts, you will have to lift the shell off and best to lay the loco on it's side, the chassis will need to be on it's side because of the shortness of the wireswhen you finally have it apart, you can note which wires go where, and also that the ditch lights have no get into the cab:the cab floor (which includes the seats and the control stand and the exterior battery boxes, slides in and out of the long hoodthere are 4 tabs holding it in place: the 2 tabs on the sides need to be pushed outwards, away from the centerline. The front and rear tabs need to be pushed inwards, towards the center of the cab. (who designs this way?). Use a small fine blade screwdriver and pull up on the cab floor while releasing the tabs bit by bit.Once the cab floor is off, the short nose can slide out.
AML GP60 first release this page under construction Overview:This was a special release at the behest of Robby at RLD Hobbies. This loco was delayed many years, and finally when it was seeming to be "soon", there was a hangup on the electronics. Accucraft apparently wanted a DCC option, and unfortunately hung their hat on interfacing to an ESU decoder as opposed to using the established standard that had several proven drop in decoders.So again in his wisdom, Robby negotiated for a run of locos that had no electronics. He got them almost a year before the general release (and the DCC option is STILL not available), and they were indeed bare bones, no speaker, no lights, no circuit boards, just wires to the trucks.The following pictures are of Colin Camarillo's GP60, and the installation of a QSI Titan.